標題: 三五族半導體微米捲管及其光電與熱電效應研究
III-V Semiconductor Rolled-up Micro-tubes and Their Photovoltaic and Thermoelectric Effects
作者: 張雅屏
Chang, Ya-Ping
Lee, Chien-Ping
關鍵字: 三五族半導體;微米捲管;光伏特效應;熱電效應;III-V Semiconductor;Rolled-up Microtubes;Photovoltaic Effects;Thermoelectric Effects
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本實驗樣品以分子束磊晶技術成長,能精確控制樣品結構的品質、厚度和材料,我們幾近完美地控制三五族半導體微米捲管的製作,其形成始於將二種不同晶格常數的材料薄膜接續成長於同一基板上,若將雙層薄膜與基板分離,那麼應變鬆弛而形成3D半導體微米捲管。
我們成功製作出有效的傳導性微米捲管元件,於雙層應變薄膜參雜高濃度的雜質時,提升了至少五倍以上的導電率。使用聚焦的雷射光,於微米捲管元件一端局部照光,發現了類似太陽能電池的光伏特效應,將光能轉換成電能,最高的光電轉換效率為1.1E-4 %,仍具有很大的改善空間。
The samples in our research are grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), which can accurately control the property, thickness, and composition of the samples. The group Ⅲ-Ⅴsemiconductor rolled-up micro-tubes are formed by epitaxial growth of the two material layers with different lattice constants on a GaAs substrate. When the strained planar bilayers are released from the substrate by selective etching, they will roll up into a 3D micro-tube. We can almost perfectly fabricate the rolled-up micro-tubes.
The diameter of rolled-up micro-tubes depends on the thickness of the strained bilayers and on the built-in strain. We can detect the residual strain of the micro-tubes through the peak-shift of LO phonon frequencies in Micro-Raman spectra as well as the peak-shift of quantum well (QW) in PL spectra in comparison with the tubes and the unreleased areas. The experimental results coincide with a simple elastic model. Moreover, the rolled-up micro-tubes can enhance the luminous intensity of QW and prevent the samples from oxidizing.
We had successfully fabricated the devices of conducting InGaAs/GaAs rolled-up micro-tubes. The electrical conductivity of the devices can be increased by at least five times when the strain bilayers are doped with high impurity concentrations. The micro-tubes devices are locally illuminated by a focused laser beam, and can convert the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect just like solar cells. The best energy conversion efficiency is 1.1E-4%, and the devices still have some rooms for improvement.
Last but not least, the rolled-up micro-tubes would be a great potential for thermoelectric materials because of their poor thermal conductivity. The micro-tubes devices are locally heated by a hot probe station, and can convert the temperature difference to the electric voltage by the thermoelectric effect. The best thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) is 0.41 under a conservative estimation, and actually it is much higher than this value. We believe the microtubes devices will show higher thermoelectric conversion efficiency in the near future.


  1. 1501102.pdf

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