標題: 光子晶體波導內的慢光現象及整合型光子晶體面射型雷射之研究
Study on Slow Light in Photonic Crystal Waveguides and Integrated Photonic Crystal Nanocavity Coupled Surface Emitting Lasers
作者: 黃世傑
Shih-Chieh Huang
Chien-Ping Lee
關鍵字: 光子晶體;慢光;光子晶體波導;光子晶體共振腔雷射;photonic crystal;slow light;photonic crystal waveguides;photonic crystal nanocavity laser
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 在本論文中,我們報告兩種利用光子晶體所製造的光電元件。由於光子晶體本身的特殊能帶結構,使得這兩種光電元件具有特殊的性能,被認為會對未來多功能的光積體電路發展有所幫助。
在慢光的研究部分,我們首先設計了單一線缺陷的光子晶體波導 (亦稱為W1型)來瞭解光波在其內部傳輸的行為模式。我們所製作的W1型光子晶體波導具有非常低的傳輸損失率(2dB/mm)。我們在其所量測到的頻譜圖上,觀察到在頻譜截斷區域的Fabry-Perot振盪週期迅速變小。將此異常週期代入Fabry-Perot公式,可得到異常大的群折射率(200~300)。同時我們也利用時間領域的方法將3GHz的調變訊號導入W1型波導中,並量測其相位變化,間接推得光訊號再頻譜截斷區域有非常長的傳輸延遲時間。我們並將此測到的實驗數據與從能帶圖上計算得到的群速度理論值作了比較,發現這種的慢光現象是由於W1型光子晶體波導在1st Brillouin zone中,能帶邊緣的缺陷模態所造成。
In this dissertation, two optoelectronic devices based on photonic crystals are presented. These two devices with their unique properties derived from the special band structure of the photonic crystals will be useful for future photonic integrated circuits with multiple functions.
The first device is an optical delay line that slows down the speed of the propagation light. A special waveguide based on line-defects in photonic crystal was designed to support waveguide mode with a significantly reduced group velocity. The second device is an integrated surface emitting laser. A regular in-plane laser was integrated with an photonic crystal nanocavity to couple the laser emission into a single mode surface emitting light. Both devices will be the key components for multi-function photonic integrated circuits.
In the part of slow light, single line defect (W1 type) photonic crystal waveguides are first studied in order to understand the behaviors of propagation light over them. Very low propagation loss (~2dB/mm) of the fabricated waveguides is obtained. The rapidly diminishing Fabry–Perot oscillation periods at the cutoff region of the measured transmission spectrum determine extremely large group indices of 200~300. The group delay time measurements by detecting phase shift of 3G Hz modulated signals through the waveguides also show a very large time-delay (>200psec) near the cutoff. In comparison with theoretical group velocities derived from the band structure, these experimental results are ascribed to the effect of the defect modes at the band edge of the first Brillouin zone.
Based on successful results of single line defect waveguides, we further investigate a photonic crystal coupled waveguide, where the unique guided mode band structure has a flat band region within the photonic band gap allowing for slow light observation. The spectral dependence of group velocity, which is measured by Mach-Zehnder interference method, indicates the existence of slow light modes around the inflection point of the unique flat band, rather than at the band edge. Time-domain observation of optical pulses propagating along two-dimension slab photonic crystal coupled waveguides is also demonstrated by using a high speed oscilloscope. By adjusting the wavelength of the input pulses toward the flat band of the coupled defect modes, an increasing duration time between reference and output pulses are clearly observed. An extremely small group velocity of 0.017c is thus obtained. Calculated group velocities show good agreement with our measured results.
In the part of photonic crystal nanocavity lasers, we demonstrate an integrated nanocavity laser structure, where the laser light is directly coupled to photonic crystal nanocavities (H1 and H2) and emits out from the surface with selected wavelengths of the resonant modes of the nanocavities. Single mode emission with high Q factors [Q(H1)=1890 and Q(H2)=3800] is obtained with electrical pumping. Excellent temperature stability (0.097nm/0C) of laser emission from the nanocavity is observed as well. The wavelength shift versus temperature is about five times better than that of regular quantum well lasers. Dual wavelength emission from two side-by-side photonic crystal nanocavities is also demonstrated.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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