Title: 結構健康監測之適應性無線感測平台研製
Study and Design of an Adaptive Wireless Sensor Platform for Structural Health Monitoring
Authors: 謝一弘
Hsieh, Yi-Hung
Liaw, Der-Cherng
Keywords: 無線感測網路;適應性;結構健康監測;WSN;adaptive;structure health monitoring
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 近年來,無線感測網路大量被應用在高即時性、低成本、高穩定度及高強健性的結構健康監測系統的相關研究與開發,而現有無線感測網路平台多為一般性用途所設計,因此,不足以達到結構健康監測系統的特性需求。本論文主要目標在研製一結構健康監測之適應性無線感測平台,提出自組式網路、源路由及路由路徑轉換、信標式時間同步及時槽排程等機制,並針對基於IEEE802.15.4標準之低功耗無線傳輸規格的系統取樣能力進行通式推導。本研究完成硬體、相關韌體及圖形化使用者介面軟體的研製,其中,硬體部分有無線模組及熱插拔感測器模組。最後,透過小型振動台模擬結構物振動實驗,測試並驗證了自組式網路、信標式時間同步、時槽排程等機制的有關構想設計。透過相關實驗可知本論文所研發的適應性無線感測平台將可更符合結構健康監測系統的需求。
Recently, Wireless sensor network has received increasing attention especially towards to develop a real time, low cost, high stability and robustness structural health monitoring system. Most wireless sensor networks platforms are designed for general purpose. For structural health monitoring, the general purpose design might not be feasible. The major goal of this study is to develop an adaptive wireless sensor platform specifically for structural health monitoring. The proposed tasks include the implementation of self-organization network mechanism, source routing and routing path change, beacon synchronization and time slot scheduling method and the derivation general form for system sample ability. In addition, the works of hardware design, firmware design, and visualization user interface software design of proposed adaptive wireless sensor platform will also be proposed. The hardware implementation includes IEEE 802.15.4 based low power consumption wireless module and plug and play sensor module. Experimental study including self-organization network verification, beacon synchronization and time slot scheduling verification and shaking table test were investigated. The results have denoted that the proposed adaptive wireless sensor platform can provide benefit and efficiency in structural health monitoring.
Appears in Collections:Thesis