標題: 非均等糾錯迴旋編碼器其最少延遲元件數量之研究
A Partial Study on UEP-optimal Convolutional Encoders with the Lowest McMillan Degree
作者: 鐘翊瑄
關鍵字: 迴旋編碼器;延遲元件數目;最佳非均等糾錯;UEP-optimal;convolutional code;McMillan degree
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 在很多通訊系統中,例如廣播系統和多媒體通訊系統,資料對於錯誤會有不 同的敏感度,因此我們會設計一個具有非均等糾錯能力的通道編碼,使得比較重 要的資料能獲得較大的保護,能更有效地利用頻寬。近期迴旋碼的非均等糾錯的 能力常被拿來使用而且很多相關的研究也被發展。對迴旋碼而言,除了非均等糾 錯的能力之外,編碼及解碼的複雜度也是一個值得考慮的要素,且它會跟編碼器 所需最少數量的延遲元件數目有很大關係。為了兼具最佳非均等糾錯能力及最低 複雜度,我們提出一個程序能在有最佳非均等糾錯能力的多項式編碼器中尋找有 最低複雜度的多項式編碼器,也就是實現此多項式編碼器時所需的延遲元件是最 少的。然而,我們並不知道在具有最佳非均等糾錯能力的多項式編碼器中,只需 最少延遲元件就能實現的那個,其延遲元件數目會不會也是所有最佳非均等糾錯 能力的編碼器裡最少的一個。也就是說,在需要相同延遲元件數目的最佳非均等 糾錯編碼器中,是不是有具有最佳非均等糾錯能力且所需延遲元件數目也相同的 多項式編碼器存在。因此,我們提出在需要相同延遲元件數目的最佳非均等糾錯 編碼器中,會有最佳多項式編碼器存在的兩個條件,而且我們證明對於有特定參 數的迴旋碼,一定能找到滿足兩個條件且具有最佳非均等糾錯能力的多項式編碼 器。
In many applications, e.g., broadcast systems and multimedia communication systems, the source data are of di?erent error sensitivities. To make the best use of the channel band- width, it is desirable to design a channel code with the capability of unequal error protection (UEP). Convolutional codes is one of the channel codes which have the UEP capability and more studies on convolutional codes for UEP are developed recently. Except for the UEP capability, coding complexity is also a key element which is dominated by the McMillan degree of a generator matrix for convolutional codes. To minimize the complexity while maintain the optimal UEP capability, in this thesis, we propose a procedure for obtaining a UEP-optimal polynomial generator matrix (PGM) which has the smallest McMillan degree among all UEP-optimal PGMs. However, it is unknown whether the McMillan degree of the resulting PGM is the same as the lowest McMillan degree of all possible UEP-optimal generator matrices. Hence, two su?cient conditions for a UEP-optimal PGM to have the smallest McMillan degree among all UEP-optimal generator matrices are derived. We also demonstrate the existence of the above desirable generator matrix for a sub class of convo- lutional codes.
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