標題: 利用方案驅動方式討論乙太網路連結錯誤管理協定的開發
Scenario-Driven development for Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management Protocol
作者: 廖振翔
Liao, Chen-Hsiang
Tien, Po-Lung
關鍵字: 方案驅動;連結錯誤管理協定;Scenario-Driven;Connectivity Fault Management Protocol
公開日期: 2010
摘要: UML是一種程式開發的觀念。對於開發大型程式可以有效的減低錯誤發生的機率,以及提升整體程式開發的效率。我們使用的Scenario-Driven的流程,是一種程式開發的流程,也就是先了解程式的運作方式,寫出使用實例,建立物件彼此之間的關係,做出時序圖,將時序圖轉換成各個物件的狀態圖,最後完成程式開發的ㄧ個程序。
我們針對802.1ag標準來做一些探討的動作,802.1ag是IEEE用於Carrier Ethernet上的ㄧ個連結性的錯誤管理協定,提供了路徑發現、錯誤檢測、錯誤確認和隔離、錯誤通知以及錯誤修復。
我們主要探討如何將802.1ag標準內表示的狀態圖轉換成我們所需要的程式碼、對於訊號事件的處理以及利用排程器處理時間事件的方式,最後針對Continuity Check Message(CCM),做狀態機處理封包的時間量測,用以驗證使用Scenario-Driven方法在電腦上的效能及穩定度。
UML is a concept of software engineering. It can decrease the probability of fault occurring and increase the efficiency of program development. We use Scenario-Driven, which is a procedure of program engineering, namely, we have to realize how the program working, write down the program use case, construct the relation between objects, build the sequence diagram, and then transfer the sequence diagram into object state charts. Finally, we finished the program.
In this thesis, our discussion aims at 802.1ag. 802.1ag is a protocol, which is used in Carrier Ethernet for connectivity fault management. It offers Path Discovery, Fault Detection, Fault Verification and isolation, Fault Notification, and Fault Recovery.
For the most part, we discussed how to transfer the state charts in 802.1ag into our code, how to deal with Signal Event and use Real-Time Scheduler to handle Time Event. The rest of this thesis, we measured the time that state machine deals with Continuity Check Message (CCM). Finally, the statistics can justify the efficiency and stability of Scenario-Driven procedure on computer.


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