標題: 平面式寬頻魔術T之設計與合成
Design and Synthesis of Broadband Planar Magic-T
作者: 林姵潔
Lin, Pei-Chieh
Chang, Chi-Yang
關鍵字: 魔術T;網路合成;magic-T;Network synthesis
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本論文提出一個新的結構,來實現寬頻的魔術T。分析上先藉由理查轉換,推導出魔術T之電路模型在理查頻域上的等效電路,並將高通原型濾波器的合成法應用於分析此結構上,根據這個方法,設計者得以根據自訂的規格,快速並精確合成出整個魔術T。
A new broadband planar magic-T is presented. By Richard’s transformation, we can derive the equivalent circuit model of the magic-T in Richards’ domain. Then a synthesis method of the high-pass prototype network will be applied to our circuit model. The magic-T can then be exactly synthesized quickly according to the user-defined specifications such as return loss, bandwidth and impedance transformation ratio.
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