標題: 微杯電泳電子紙之顯色特性化
Colorimetric Characterization of Microcup Electrophoretic Display
作者: 李家豪
Li, Chia-Hao
Tien, Chung-Hao
關鍵字: 顯色特性化;演算法;色光學密度;色差;characterization;algorithm;colorimetric density;CIEDE2000
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本文研究目的為電子紙的顯色特性化,對於新顯色媒介的出現,定義「媒介色彩空間(或設備從屬色彩空間)與CIE色度資料(非設備從屬色彩空間)之間的轉換關係」,亦即「建立此媒介與其他設備之間具有相同或共通色彩語言的溝通方式」。並且在各家電子紙技術當中,以微杯電泳式(Electrophoretic)電子紙為例,介紹如何從物理顯色機制開始,參考加法系統和減法系統的文獻,結合物理模式、數值模式和對照表模式的顯色特性化方法,發展出屬於微杯電泳式電子紙的顯色特性化(characterization),最後藉由CIEDE2000驗證顯色特性化的準確性。
The objective of the research was to characterize the colorimetric properties of E-paper such novel media appears. To address this issue, we build up a model to link the correspondence between the device independent space and corresponding CIE colorimetry. Namely, we successfully construct a common color language among all information media. Based on various characterization methods including physical models, numerical models and look-up-table, we successfully characterize a mircrocup® electrophretic display. Close agreement with measurement results of CIEDE2000 verify the proposed methodology.
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