標題: 探討禪坐之舒壓效能
Investigation of Zen-Meditation Effect
作者: 倪偉源
Ni Wei Yuan
Pei-Chen Lo
關鍵字: 生活壓力;腦電波;Life stress;EEG
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本論文主要目的是研究禪坐(Zen-Meditation)對生活壓力之影響,論文中受測者分成實驗組與控制組,其中實驗組為有禪坐經驗的人,控制組為沒有任何禪坐經驗的人。論文中利用以下二種方法來比較實驗組與控制組在生活壓力上的差異。第一種方法是利用「生活壓力量表」所量測出的壓力指數來判斷;第二種方法為量測腦電波α波分佈情形,主要是因為當腦波出現α波時,表示個人目前是比較處在放鬆、平靜時的腦波型態,所以可透過觀察腦波的型態,即可知道個人是否處於放鬆而沒有壓力的狀態下。 由實驗結果可得到四個結論:(1)利用「生活壓力量表」來分析實驗組與控制組的生活壓力有何差異,可得知實驗組的生活壓力都比控制組來得低;(2)用線性關係來分析實驗組的禪坐背景和生活壓力之間的關係,可看出隨著禪坐經驗、每週禪坐次數、每次禪坐時間的增加,生活壓力有下降的趨勢;(3)由腦電波的α波分佈比率可看出實驗組每位受測者不論是在禪坐前或禪坐後,都比控制組每位受測者在休息前或休息後來的高,由此可知實驗組不論是在禪坐前或禪坐後都比控制組在休息前與休息後的放鬆程度來得好;(4)由實驗組在禪坐前後的α波分佈比率變化,比控制組在休息前後的α波分佈比率變化大了2倍左右,由這結果可以證明禪坐比起一般的閉眼放鬆休息,更有效地使人放鬆身心,以致於降低生活壓力。
In this thesis, we aim to investigate the influence of Zen-Meditation on the life stress. The subjects were grouped into the experimental and the control group. The experimental group consists of subjects with Zen-Buddhist meditation experiences, while the control subjects are the normal, healthy people without any Zen-meditation experience. This thesis utilizes the following two methods to test the life stress discrepancies between the two groups. Firstly we analyze the data collected from Life Stress Scale filled by the volunteers that can reveal the degree of stress feeling. Secondly, we investigate the distribution of α activity on the scalp because the α activity closely correlates with the state of relaxation. By observing the EEG patterns, we can determine whether the subject is under stress-free state. In sum, four conclusions were drawn from the experimental results as follows. Firstly, the stress-scale test for both the experimental group and the control group exhibits that induced life stress of the experimental group is lower than that of the control group. Secondly, the relationship between Zen-meditation experience and life stress can be analyzed by linear regression method. The results indicate that the life stress decreases with increasing Zen-meditation experiences, including more Zen-meditation numbers per-week and longer Zen-meditation session. Thirdly, the power percentage of α activity of the experimental group before or after Zen-meditation is higher than that of the control group before or after rest. Accordingly, the experimental group exhibits better relaxation before and after Zen-meditation in comparison with the control group. Finally, the increase of α activity from pre-meditation to post-meditation for the experimental subjects is approximately twice the increase for the control subjects. The result demonstrates that Zen-meditation can relax one's mind and body effectively in comparison with the normal rest with eyes closed. Therefore, one can effectively release himself/herself from the life stress.


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