標題: 國立大專院校單獨研究所教學館舍及空間規劃準則---以國立交通大學為例
The Space Area Criteria of Individual Institute of Public College
作者: 郭中芳
Kuo, Chung-Fang
Huang, Shyh-Chang
關鍵字: 學校建築;建築空間基準;研究所;school building;criteria of architecture space;individual institute
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 單獨研究所由於學生人數較一般學系少,若採教育部基準面積做整體空間規劃將不足,因此本研究挑選出國立交通大學十過獨立研究所進行空間基準之研究,並對各所進行實地訪查、基本資料及教學內容蒐集、繪製空間平面圖等以建構資料比較分析。 本研究將室內空間分為「行政空間」、「研究空間」、「教師個人辦公室」、「會議室/研討室」、「圖書閱覽室/活動室」及「特殊教室」等六類進行研究,並建立各分項空間基準面積。對於單獨研究所之每生面積,本研究所求得之結果和教育部標準之比例,整體平均為1.51,範圍介於1.3∼1.7。另若將「會議室/研討室」基準面積統一調整為150 M2,則每生面積比例,整體平均為1.57,範圍介於1.36∼1.76。
The number of students of the individual institute is less than that of the individual department, so the overall space based on the space standards of Ministry of Education will be not enough for space planning. In this study, the indoor space is divided into "administration space", "research space", "faculty office", "conference room/seminar room", "reading room/activity room", and "special space" six areas. The results show that, to the space area of each student of individual institute, the overall average ratio between the standards porposed by this study and the space standards of Ministry of Education is 1.51 , ranging from 1.3 to 1.7. If the space standard of "conference room/seminar room" is adjusted to 150 M2, the overall average ratio will be changed to 1.57, ranging 1.36 - 1.76.


  1. 653101.pdf

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