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dc.contributor.authorLee, Yi-Hwaen_US
dc.contributor.authorWang, Wei-Chihen_US
dc.description.abstract水庫主要功能為調節水源,如有安全上的缺失,將會對下游造成極大的損害,目前台灣水庫已達100座,水庫管理單位(中心)則分屬不同機關,並非由水利署直接管轄,造成水庫管理單位(中心)常因直屬主管機關重視程度不同而對水庫安全管理工作投入狀況不一,而水利署目前尚未擁有一套管理機制能夠有效的監控各水庫管理單位(中心)的例行安全維護與管理狀況,有鑑於此,本研究旨在建立水庫安全管理工作之品質查核機制,結合水庫每年應辦理之安全複查,在不增加水庫額外人力與經費負擔下,依照現有水庫之分級狀況,透過獎勵之方式使各水庫管理單位(中心)確實投入水庫安全維護與管理。 本研究首先參考工程會三級品管制度之精神理念與水庫相關法令結合,提出水庫安全管理工作品質之三級品管架構,並以水利建造物檢查及安全評估辦法為基準,研擬水庫安全管理工作之品質作業要點、品質查核小組組織準則及品質查核小組作業辦法,利用上述法律為基礎建立水庫安全管理工作品質查核機制並建立水庫安全管理工作品質查核扣點表,最後案例測試,探討工程會三級品管制度應用至水庫安全管理工作品質之可行性及可能面臨之困難。 透過案例測試,案例之總扣點為六點,專家將案例列為甲等,查核總成績為85分;整體而言,所建立之水庫安全管理工作品質查核機制之運作結果符合預期,但必須克服各水庫管理單位(中心)及安全評估小組委員是對此制度之接受程度以及水利署行政上及法令上的配合事宜,如順利克服上述問題,未來水庫安全管理工作品質查核機制之推行實屬可行。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe primary function of the dam is water supply, and it will cause huge damage to the downriver if neglecting the dam safety mamagement.So far, there are one hundred dams in Taiwan, but the dam administration are belong to the difference official authorities, not directly subordinate to Water Resources Agency, causing the dam safety mamagement are depend on their own emphasis of the difference official authorities. Presently, the Water Resources Agency doesn’t have any mechanism to monitor the condition of implementing dam safety mamagement between the difference dam administrations. Therefore, the core of the thesis is establishing quality audit mechanism for dam safety management and combines it with the dam’s routine safety inspections.Without the condition of increasing extra budget and human resources.By rewarding, let the dam administration set great store by dam safety management. First of all, the research refers to the spirit of the three-level quality management system of Public Construction Committee (PCC) and combines it with the laws and regulations of the dam safety, than establish the three-level quality management system of the dam safety. Secondly, establish the laws and regulations based on the Water Resources Agency. Thirdly, according to the foregoing laws and regulations establish the quality audit mechanism for dam safety management and the point deduction table for flaws. Finally, debate the difficulties and the feasibilities by teating. The result shows that the grade of the case is 85 points and the rank is A. As a whole, the quality audit mechanism can nearly achieve the expected purpose.But must overcome the acceptance of the dam administration and the supplementary measures of Water Resources Agency, if can overcome it, the quality audit mechanism for dam safety management should be practiced widely.en_US
dc.subjectDam Safety Mamagementen_US
dc.subjectQuality Audit Mechanismen_US
dc.subjectthree-level Quality- Management Systemen_US
dc.titleEstablishing Quality Audit Mechanism for Dam Safety Managementen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis