标题: 新穎供真空紫外光激發螢光體製備與發光特性之研究
Synthesis and Luminescence Characterization of Novel Phosphors for Vacuum Ultraviolet Excitation
作者: 鍾秀佩
Chung, Hsiu-Pei
Chen, Teng-Ming
关键字: 真空紫外光;螢光粉;電漿顯示器;Vacuum Ultraviolet;Phosphors;PDP
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 本論文利用固態合成法於氫氣的還原氣氛下,成功合成了YBa3(BO3)3:Tb3+、Ca5Al6O14:Eu2+、MCaPO4:Eu2+ (M = Na, K)、Li4SrCa(SiO4)2:Eu2+與LiZnBO3:Mn2+等五系列螢光體,並利用X光粉末繞射及掃描式電子顯微鏡進行結構鑑定及晶相分析,並使用國家同步輻射研究中心所提供的真空紫外光光源,以探討各螢光體於波長147 nm及172 nm的激發下,其所表現的發光特性和能量轉移機制,試圖開發新穎且應用於電漿平面顯示器的螢光材料。
YBa3(BO3)3:Tb3+為源自於Tb3+的5D4→7F5躍遷的窄峰放射,放射波長為543 nm。此系列中,主體因含有硼酸根BO33-陰離子團,因此可以有效吸收真空紫外光光源,並且與活化劑之間表現了良好的能量傳遞現象。
The thesis attempts to investigate novel phosphors for the application in Plasma Display Panel. The novel vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) excited phosphors with chemical compositions of YBa3(BO3)3:Tb3+, Ca5Al6O14:Eu2+, NaCaPO4:Eu2+, KCaPO4:Eu2+, Li4SrCa(SiO4)2:Eu2+ and LiZnBO3:Mn2+ were successfully synthesized by solid state method. X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy were used to verify the phase purity, respectively. By using synchrotron radiation as a light source, photoluminescence spectra were used to study the luminescence performance and energy transfer mechanism of the phosphors.
We found under 172 nm excitation, YBa3(BO3)3:Tb3+ phosphors showed a intense and sharp yellowish-green emission at 543 nm corresponding to the electric dipole 5D4 →7F5 transition of Tb3+. The observation can be rationalized by the presence of BO33- anionic group in the host that generally shows strong absorption in the VUV region. In addition, such good energy transfer efficiency is observed from host to activator Tb3+.
Ca5Al6O14:Eu2+, NaCaPO4:Eu2+, KCaPO4:Eu2+ and Li4SrCa(SiO4)2:Eu2+ phosphors showed the broad emission due to the well-known transitions between the ground state 4f7 and the crystal-field split 4f65d configuration, which is strongly affected by the environments surrounding Eu2+ ions. It is found that the host of Ca5Al6O14:Eu2+ absorbed the excitation energy efficiently, but the unusual short Ca-Ca distances lead to significant fluorescence quenching. Furthermore, the observed reduced PL intensity of KCaPO4:Eu2+ and Li4SrCa(SiO4)2:Eu2+ may correspond to the poor host absorption of VUV radiation and/or the low efficiency of energy transfer between host and Eu2+.
The spectroscopic results of LiZnBO3:Mn2+ red phosphor also showed the broad emission with lower intensity, which affiliated with the 3d–3d forbidden transitions of Mn2+.


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