標題: 以EGFP為報導基因建構登革熱二型病毒PL046株之結構/非結構基因表現載體
Using EGFP as reporter for the construction of expression vectors carrying structural/non-structural genes from dengue virus type II strain PL046
作者: 洪禎憶
關鍵字: 登革熱病毒;螢光蛋白;Dengue virus;EGFP
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 登革熱病毒是屬於黃質病毒科黃質病毒屬,基因全長10.7 kb,是一條正股的單股 RNA,可以產生一個巨蛋白,並經由酵素切割成三個結構與七個非結構蛋白。 在本論文所呈現的研究中,我嘗試建構能表現登革熱病毒二型 PL046 株不同基因體區段的質體。希望能取得單一區段所產生的基因產物。為了能偵測到登革熱病毒的組裝訊號,首先建構了能表現 EGFP 的兩個質體,其上分別帶有登革熱病毒的結構及非結構基因,目的在藉 EGFP 的表現提升觀察表現的靈敏度。第二、為了能大量表現 E protein,將登革熱病毒二型 PL046 株之 E gene 建構於pLP質體上,目的在單獨產生 E protein,做功能性研究。以實驗室前人的結果為基礎,我建構完成了上列質體。以定序及限制酶反應進行分析,確認這些 constructs 都沒有 non-sense mutations。
Dengue virus is a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus with 10.7 kb genome , which can stimultaneously serves as an mRNA for translation of the viral proteins which will be digested by enzymes into three structural(C,prM,E) and seven nonstructural proteins(NS1,NS2A,NS2B,NS3,NS4A,NS4B,NS5). In this study , I constructed plasmids which contained the structural and nonstructural genes separately along with an EGFP as the reporter, for detecting the packaging signal. Next, I sub-cloned a full-length E gene from Dengue virus type II PL046 strain into pLP vector to express the E proteins for functional study. These constructs were assessed by restriction digestion and sequencing. No non-sense mutation was detected in the coding regions.


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