标题: 社群認同與消費者知識對於負面口碑接收者購買意圖及資訊傳播行為之影響
The Effect of Community Identification and Customer Knowledge on Negative Word-of-Mouth Receiver’s Purchasing Intention and Information Communication
作者: 黃子豪
Huang, Tzu-Hao
Huang, Jen-Hung
关键字: 口碑;消費者知識;社群認同;Word-of-Mouth;Community Identity;Customer Knowledg
公开日期: 2010
摘要: Facebook及Plurk等社群網站的興起,使得口碑訊息的傳播更加迅速,也由於社群好友彼此熟識使得口碑訊息影響力加劇,使得網路口碑成了企業推出產品及服務所不可忽視的溝通管道。
以回歸方法進行統計資料分析,研究結果發現:(1) 負面口碑訊息接收者的產品購買意願,不會受到其對社群網站的認同度的影響,但消費者產品知識程度具正向影響。(2)對於社群網站的認同程度以及消費者的產品知識程度,皆會對於負面口碑訊息接收者的口碑傳播意願產生正向影響。(3) 社群網站認同度與消費者知識間,無論對於產品購買意願或是口碑傳播意願皆無交互影響效果。
As online community websites arising like Facebook and Plurk, speed up the
spread of Word-of-Mouth and the influence become powerful than before. More enterprises start choosing this channel to promote their new product and service.
Depending on the reference, take negative Word-of-Mouth as research information source. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of community identity and customer knowledge on purchasing intention and information communication. With different condition on information receivers, there are difference on reflect of purchasing intention and information spread intention.
Using regression method to analysis, the result came up as following: (1) Community Identification has no impact on receivers’ purchasing intention, but has positive impact on information communication intention. (2) Customer knowledge has positive impact both on purchasing intention and information communication.
(3) There are no interactive effect between Community Identification and Customer


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