標題: 故事訴求、性別和受害者可辨別性對於捐款金額的影響
The interaction effect among story appeal, gender and identifiability on donations
作者: 張力仁
Chang, Li-Jen
Chang, Chia-Chi
關鍵字: 非營利組織;故事訴求;可辨別受害者效應;激勵;性別;三因子變異數分析;Non-Profit Organization (NPO);story appeal;identifiable victim effect;inspiration;gender;three-way ANOVA
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 台灣的非營利組織的募款策略大多是藉由讓大眾閱讀受害者的故事,進而喚起大眾對於受害者的同情心來說服人們捐款。現在,越來越多的捐助者希望被慈善機構激勵而捐款,而不是出自於內疚或職責的情緒。本研究的問卷中,故事裡的受害者可分為一個人或是三千人,而根據可辨別受害者效應,捐款人捐給一位身分確定的受害者的錢,會大於捐給統計上的受害者的錢。鑒於此,本研究探討非營利組織不同的故事訴求,包含激勵人心的故事、普通的故事、喚起同情心的故事和人們性別上的差異和受害者可辨別性,對於人們捐款的金額的影響。 結果指出,激勵人心的故事訴求對於男性而言,比較能產生共鳴,而女性不管激勵人心、普通、喚起同情心的故事訴求,捐款金額都沒有差異,而女性比起男性更樂於捐款。當捐款的對象為國外的時候,沒有可辨別受害者效應。研究發現,捐給統計上的受害者的金額顯著高於一名可辨別的受害者。期望本研究的發現,能提供日後非營利組織做募款策略時的參考,使得非營利組織能達成開拓財源、開展更大的慈善市場,更期望使能使社會整體福利達到最大。
The fundraising strategies used by Taiwanese NPOs are usually the demonstration of the victims’ stories to the public, and the attempt to convince people to donate by arousing their sympathy to the victims. Now, more and more donors hope to donate not because of a sense of guilt or responsibility but for the stimulation of the charities. Victims in the stories of our research questionnaires are classified into two categories, one person or three thousand people. According to the identifiable victim effect, the amount of money donated to a single identifiable victim is larger than statistical victims. Given the effect, the research wishes to explore how the differences in the stories of NPOs, including inspiring stories, neutral stories, sympathy-arousing stories, along with the variation of gender difference and the identifiability of the victims would affect people’s decision in the amount of money donated. The result shows that the inspiring stories urge males to donate more, while the females show no differences in reading inspiring, neutral or sympathy-arousing stories. Compared to men, women donate more money on average. When the object of the donation is foreign, there is no evidence of identifiable victim effect. The research demonstrates that the amount of money donated to statistical victims is significantly greater than that to the identifiable one. We hope in the future, the finding of this research may serve as a referral to the formulation of similar NPO strategies, and thus achieve their goal of greater donation, bigger charity market and the best welfare of the overall society.


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