標題: 自行車騎士外觀對機車超越淨距之影響
The Effect of Bicyclists' Appearance on the Lateral Clearance of Motorcyclists Overtaking Bicyclists
作者: 李冠霖
Li, Guan-Lin
Woo, T.-Hugh
關鍵字: 自行車;超越淨距;性別;安全帽;Bicycle;Overtaking Lateral Clearance;Gender;Helmet
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 自行車為極為脆弱的運具,而隨著自行車數量的增加且自行車事故更為頻繁,騎士很容易在事故中受到嚴重的傷害甚至死亡。台灣民眾主要的代步工具為小客車與機車,這使得一般道路上的車流型態為混合車流。若民眾騎乘自行車於一般道路上,最容易與行人及機車相鄰,然而機車與自行車每小時的速度差異高達到三、四十公里以上,若自行車與機車相鄰太近,可能會給自行車騎士帶來很大的事故風險。根據內政部警政署交通事故統計資料顯示,自行車在直行中發生事故的次數最多;國內外事故分析亦顯示,車輛與自行車同向行駛時,最容易發生自行車死亡事故。機車超越時與自行車發生事故的原因在於超越時未保持安全間距。本研究將自行車騎士外觀分為性別、有無戴安全帽及服裝顏色,利用實地觀察方式,由實驗人員騎乘自行車搭配不同騎士外觀,蒐集機車超越自行車時的側向淨距數據。結果顯示自行車騎士的外觀性別及有無戴安全帽對機車超越之側向淨距有顯著影響,而服裝顏色未出現顯著影響。超越男性自行車騎士時的側向淨距較超越女性時窄;而當自行車騎士有戴安全帽時,機車超越時會較為靠近自行車騎士。一般大眾存在刻板印象認為女性操控交通工具的能力不佳,這可能導致機車騎士超越女性自行車騎士時,會保持較遠間距。機車騎士認為有戴安全帽的自行車騎士已經做好防護措施,據此判斷有戴安全帽的自行車騎士經驗豐富,進而認為超越時為安全狀態,因此不會特地拉開與自行車騎士的間距。
Bicycles are very fragile in a traffic stream, and bicycle accidents will become more frequent with the increasing number of bicycles. Bicyclists will get serious injury in an accident. In Taiwan, the main transport modes are cars and motorcycles, which makes the general traffic in a mixed flow. Bicycles on the outer side of road are easily exposed to pedestrians and motorcycles. However the speed difference relative to motorcycles is higher than 30 kph. If the bicycle is running too close to the adjacent motorcycle, there will be great risk for the cyclist. The official statistics indicate that most bicycle accidents happened when traveling straight, and most bicyclist fatalities were caused by collisions when bicycles and motor vehicles are traveling in the same direction. If the motorcyclists do not keep safe spacing with bicycles, collision accidents will easily happen when they overtake the bicycles. In the study, bicyclists’ appearance including the gender, helmet wearing and clothing colors were considered. A field observation using an instrumented bicycle to gather lateral clearance data from overtaking motorcycles was conducted. The result shows that the motorcyclists keep a closer lateral clearance to a male cyclist than to a female cyclist when overtaking a bicycle. Cyclists wearing a helmet lead to motorcycles getting closer when overtaking. There was no significant effect on the lateral clearance by the clothing colors. A gender stereotype that the driving ability of woman is not good may make motorcyclists keep the female bicyclist away. Motorcyclists will not keep wider spacing with the bicyclist wearing a bicycle helmet, because they think the bicyclist wearing a helmet is experienced and to overtake him is safe.
Appears in Collections:Thesis