Title: 行動付款機制之發展現況與機會
Status and Opportunities of Mobile Payment Mechanisms
Authors: 鄭詠怡
Chang, Yong-Yi
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
Keywords: 行動付款;行動商務;型態分析盒法;Mobile Payment;Mobile Commerce;Morphological Box
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 無線通訊科技與行動裝置蓬勃發展開啟了行動化與個人化的潮流,行動商務交易環境必須具備安全便利的付款機制,換言之,行動付款是行動商務發展的基礎。 行動付款尚未發展出全球一致的標準模式,基於行動付款體系中各成員的利益分配不同而形成不同的行動付款經營模式,與各具特色行動付款服務類型。台灣的商業環境與行動付款相關技術已相當成熟,然而行動付款卻未普及,本研究探討台灣應該如何發展適合的行動付款模式。 本研究蒐集相關文獻與資料,套用型態分析盒法(Morphological Box) 於行動付款模型中,衍生出針對行動付款機制的行動付款型態分析模型,以利於結構化拆解行動付款帄台的各項屬性。本研究歸納國外行動付款個案之成功發展經驗,以提供我國業者借鏡。本研究亦應用SWOT及七力分析模型,分析台灣發展行動付款的產業前景,提供國內行動付款機制中的相關業者,建構行動付款帄台時的相關建議與考量。
The rapid deployment of wireless communications networks and the availability of mobile devices have made mobile commerce convenient and desirable. However, the existence of a secure and easy-to-use mobile payment (MP) service is essential to the wide acceptance of mobile commerce by consumers. MP mechanisms and business models vary in different mobile networks and in different countries. The MP services differ by varying responsibilities and revenue-sharing mechanisms among MP participants. This research reviewed literatures on MP mechanisms, services and cases of success or failure in different markets of the world. We used the framework of Morphological Box to delineate the structure of MP functionalities and procedures. The mobile phone penetration rate in Taiwan has reached over 100%; however no MP service has been widely used. This research attempted to explore the critical missing links in the value chain consist of the MP service participants in Taiwan. After analyzing the SWOT and the Seven Influencing Forces to alternative implementation of MP services by potential participants, a preferable MP mechanism that fits well with the existing commercial environment and the mobile industry structure in Taiwan would be proposed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis