Title: 轉乘服務無縫水準分級方式之研究
Grading for Seamless Transfer of Public Transportation
Authors: 侯德欣
Hou, Te-Hsin
Huang, Tai-Sheng
Keywords: 無縫轉乘;模糊分群;Seamless Transfer;Fuzzy Cluster
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 提升公共運輸系統之使用一直是運輸部門之重要目標,然而多年來推動績效並不理想,發展公共運輸之關鍵在於提昇公共運輸整體性之服務水準,近年更將改善重點置於轉乘服務之改善,進而提出無縫運輸之理念,縮小公共運輸系統與私人運輸之差距,讓使用人樂於選擇使用。一般轉乘相關之研究少有綜合性評估,本研究建構一套轉乘服務無縫水準之簡易衡量標準。無縫轉乘具層級性,如:國際轉進國內、高鐵站對地區之轉乘,本研究為反應其差異本研究以使用者之觀點,選定桃園國際機場及桃園高鐵站做為施測地點。 考量乘客於轉乘不便程度之可能影響因素並彙整相關文獻,選取四個影響構面及六項影響因素,以有效衡量轉乘服務之無縫水準。透過加權平均法分析各影響構面之相對權重,得知「時間無縫」和「空間無縫」對整體轉乘感受之影響較大。利用統計分析並引入模糊理論之概念,將各影響因素衡量值進行不同滿意程度之劃分,以衡量轉乘服務之無縫水準。最後配合乘客主觀感受問卷調查,再次引入模糊理論之概念,制定轉乘服務無縫水準分級之臨界值。高鐵站:A級:衡量值>0.5474;B級:0.5474>衡量值>0.4222;C級:0.4222>衡量值>0.3319;D級0.3319>衡量值>0.2728;E級:0.2728>衡量值>0.2473;F級:衡量值<0.2473。國際機場:A級:衡量值>0.4143;B級:0.4143>衡量值>0.4097;C級:0.4097>衡量值>0.2940;D級:0.2940>衡量值>0.2490;E級:0.2490>衡量值>0.1837;F級:衡量值<0.1837。
The key of developing public transportation usage is improving the service level of public transportation. In recent years, government works on providing better service level of transfer. Then put forward the idea of a seamless transportation to narrow the gap between public transportation and private transportation. This study which develops a measurement of the level of seamless transfer picks Taoyuan International Airport and Taiwan High Speed Railway Taoyuan Station as survey point. In this study, four comprehensive dimensions are generalized and consist of 6 factors. These dimensions have been defined and weighted by related importance through the weighted averages method. The result indicates that the dimension “waiting time□and “walking distance” have greater importance than other dimensions. The grades of these factors are subsequently described and the measurements of different cases composed of each grade of all factors are set up. Finally a standard for measuring the Level of Seamless during transfer is developed by Fuzzy theorem and defined through a grade from A to F. Grades for the level of seamless are subsequently described, THSR stations:level A:measurment>0.5474;level B:0.5474> measurment >0.4222;level C:0.4222> measurment >0.3319;level D:0.3319> measurment >0.2728;level E:0.2728> measurment >0.2473;level F:measurment <0.2473, International Airport:level A:measurment >0.4143;level B:0.4143> measurment >0.4097;level C:0.4097> measurment >0.2940;level D:0.2940> measurment >0.2490;level E:0.2490> measurment >0.1837;level F:measurment <0.1837.
Appears in Collections:Thesis