Title: 綠色供應鏈正逆向成員整合之探討
The Research of Integration between Forward and Reverse Members in Green Supply Chain
Authors: 李冠銘
Li, Guan -Ming
Sheu, Jiuh-Biing
Keywords: 綠色供應鏈;逆物流;供應鏈整合;Green Supply Chain;Reverse Logistics;Integration of Supply Chain
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 長久以來企業的重心都在正物流,供應商取得原物料及零組件,經過加工後賣給消費者。而在資源與環境的相關議題上。地球的資源有限並非取之不竭,隨著資源快速的被消耗,原物料的價格不斷攀升。去年全球經濟遭逢金融海嘯的衝擊,企業如何降低成本為首要任務,對逆物流相關議題紛紛積極投入研究發展,並對正向物流製造出來的產品,思索回收再利用的價值,以期企業成本得以下降。另近年來由於工業所造成的各種環境污染及全球暖化等相關環保議題興貣,世界各國政府皆開始正視企業所產生的環境污染對地球環境造成的嚴重破壞,工業發展亦開始考量產品回收等逆向供應鏈流程。 本研究經蒐集之文獻資料的回顧與探討,做有系統的整理闡述。透過文獻資料的彙整,藉由因子特性分析的整理歸納,大致分類為供應鏈、政策、市場、技術四大構陎,經個案研究後,在供應鏈與技術陎,逆物流原料供應穩定性為廠商投入重要考量因素,而產品回收再利用之技術成熟度亦為逆物流可行性之先決條件,另國內逆物流供應鏈相關上下游廠商品質不一致,增加整合難度。 在政策與市場陎,國際領導廠商供應鏈已逐漸建構綠色貿易壁壘,對國內廠商形成威脅,而法規限制與產業政策為發展逆物流之重要推力與拉力,為廠商發展的必要考量,另世界各國各有獨自規定綠色標章,對本國出口導向與製造為主之特性,不利本國產品出口導向之逆物流發展。
According to the common definition of industrial manufacture process, we utilized the raw material to produce product and the process of goods from supplier to customer we called “supply chain”. Remanufacturing and refurbishing activities are the core content of the reverse logistics. At present, the concept of reverse supply chain is attracting much attention with the increasing popularity of environmental and sustainable development issues. From the manufacture aspect, every company takes cost-effective strategy as the first priority to overcome the resource and financial crises since the raw materials used in production are not renewable resources and the price will keep increasing. In the environmental protection part, pollution control and sustainable resource concern also promote the development of reverse logistics. Consequently, more and more retailers try to consider the reverse logistics as an alternative to reduce cost and protect our earth at the same time. This study is to find out the potential problems in the integrating process of reverse supply chain in Taiwan. We collected all the available literature to systematically describe the important factors which decide the success of the integrated procedure. The critical corporations in current stage of Taiwan were chosen for the case study. After the literature discussion, we setup the structure for the purpose of discovering the fundamental problems in each case including four aspects: supply chain, policy, market and technology. Going through the case studies, (1) we sorted out the stable source of recycle material supply was the essential factor in supply chain aspect. (2) In the policy consideration, the regulation setup and industrial policy of the government will be the major force to push the manufacture participate the green supply chain plan. (3) Currently the lead corporations in international market are developing the green market by the specific green marks to popularize the reverse logistics and this tendency will threat most manufactures in the developing countries including Taiwan. (4) The maturity of green technology applied in the production process could determine feasibility. Furthermore, the inconsistent quality of each member is also a crucial reason to increase the difficulty for integrating the reverse logistics in Taiwan.
Appears in Collections:Thesis