Title: 貨物運輸及物流系統規劃內涵之探討
Planning Contents for Freight Transportation and Logistics System
Authors: 丁文婷
Ting, Wen-Ting
Huang, Tai-Sheng
Keywords: 貨物運輸;物流系統;傳統運輸規劃;Freight Transportation;Logistics System;Transportation Planning
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 傳統運輸規劃作業長久以來均以分析客運需求為主,其目的係用來推求運輸系統之負荷狀況,作為衡量服務水準或投資改善之依據,若將貨物運輸與物流系統之規劃需求作業套用至傳統運輸規劃作業中會出現不合宜之問題。因此本研究透過貨物運輸與物流系統組成之基本概念,推論其規劃需求、規劃項目、規劃考量與程序、規劃方法等,並將此結果與傳統運輸規劃需求分析做比較,找出其中之差異性。
The transportation planning emphasize passenger demand in practice. It is purpose for estimating load conditions, measuring service quality or improving of transport system. However, freight transportation and logistics system will inappropriate for planning demands of transportation planning. By means of understanding the components of freight transportation and logistics systems, this study infers planning demands, planning items, planning considerations, planning procedures and planning methods. In order to identifing the difference, this inference will be compare to transportation planning.
The delivery for freight transporatation service is derived demand without obvious front-end tasks. However, the transporatation service of logistics system meets the integration of demand.In order to cope with the main front-end tasks, logistics system focuses on the accuracy of time. Hence, the Results of this study showed transportation planning dominated by the transportation authorities. They devoted to meet the public-interest and obtain the information of the performance in transport system. Compare to the former, there are several participants in freight transportation and logistics system. The goal is to meet the optimal demand and pursuit their self-interest. Therefore, there will be different planning requirements and related operations in each plan stage.
Appears in Collections:Thesis