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dc.contributor.authorHou, Wen-Chienen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Chyanen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 筆記型電腦之發展逐漸朝多樣化、智慧化與輕薄化邁進;廠商 (如本研究以華碩ASUS為例) 除了需具備強大的設計能力、不斷推陳出新滿足使用者對於功能上的需求之餘;另一方面,提供顧客優質的售後服務及品牌態度,進而建立口碑與顧客忠誠度,將是此產業在服務價值上的新競爭優勢。 過去的製造業者,對於服務的提供並沒有深刻的體驗及興趣,多僅認為是噱頭或者是產業的附屬品;但是隨著時代轉變、服務工程興起,顧客對於服務有了更強烈的需求;所以,對於製造業者,包含售後服務在內的製造業服務化顯然是未來發展的趨勢,業者必須在創新下面對產業風貌的轉變,創造製造業的新服務價值。 有鑒於此,本研究針對華碩筆記型電腦使用者進行售後服務問卷調查,有效樣本數為251份,並以SPSS17.0統計軟體進行描述性統計,輔以AMOS 17.0進行兩階段測量模式與整體結構模式所構成之結構方程模式(SEM)分析方法。 研究結果顯示: 一、 售後服務品質對於關係品質的連結有正向的影響效果。 二、 售後服務品質對於顧客忠誠度的連結有正向的影響效果。 三、 由信任、滿意、承諾所構建之關係品質對顧客忠誠度有直接性的正向顯著效果。 四、 關係品質是售後服務品質與顧客忠誠度之間的完全中介角色,顯示消費者對於達成顧客忠誠的路徑上應會經由售服務品質認同偏好、產生高度的關係品質連結、進而反應在顧客忠誠度之行為意圖層面上。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The development of the notebook computers are gradually diversified, artificial intellectual and slight. NB manufacturers (e.g. this study, ASUS for example) must possess strong design capabilities, and create new functionalities to meet user’s needs immediately. In addition to that, they also provide high quality after-sales service and brand attitude to establish reputation and customer loyalty, which are the competitive advantages in the market place. In the past, manufacturing companies had little experience with, or few interests in providing service; they tended to view the provision of services as merely an adjunct to or extension of the industry. However, times have changed. The emergence of service engineering has been accompanied by higher expectations on the part of consumers. For the manufacturing companies, servitization is obviously the way to go be. Manufacturing companies have to focus on innovation if they were to keep pace with the transformation that is taking place in the manufacturing sector and succeed in creating value from services. In the view of that, this research takes the 251 ASUS portable users as the object, the questionnaires are the tool carries on investigate. Specifically, the data was analyzed by SPSS and AMOS, through descriptive analyses and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show after-sales service quality has a positive significant impact on relationship quality. The effects of relationship quality which is constructed by trust, satisfaction and commitment have a significant symbiotic relationship with customer loyalty. Meanwhile, after-sales service quality contributes to improving customer loyalty directly. Moreover, relationship quality plays a critical mediator role between after-sales service quality and customer loyalty.en_US
dc.subjectafter-sales serviceen_US
dc.subjectservice qualityen_US
dc.subjectrelationship qualityen_US
dc.subjectcustomer loyaltyen_US
dc.subjectstructural equation modelingen_US
dc.subjectitem parcelingen_US
dc.titleA study of relationships among After-sales Service Quality, Relationship Quality and Customer Loyalty- An Example of ASUS Notebooken_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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