標題: 同志工作者的出櫃程度、知覺壓力、職涯滿意度對工作績效的影響-以社會認知理論為架構
Homosexual Workers’ Outness, Perceived Stress and Career Satisfaction on Job Performance–in Social Cognitive Theory
作者: 湯喬智
Tang, Chiao-Chih
Lin, Chieh-Peng
關鍵字: 同志工作者;出櫃程度;知覺壓力;職涯滿意度;工作績效;homosexual workers;outness;perceived stress;career satisfaction;job performance
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 勞動多元化發展為21世紀企業的最大特色,多元化包括種族、性別或性傾向等差異,唯性傾向的部分討論甚少。本篇研究希望能找出影響同志工作者工作績效的因素,因此提出出櫃程度、知覺壓力、職涯滿意度對工作績效影響的模型,並以社會認知理論為架構找出對出櫃程度影響的要素。 本研究以同志工作者為抽樣對象,共蒐集了319份有效問卷,所得的研究結果將有助於同志工作者提高出櫃程度,並提供企業建立勞動多元化與支持同志政策的建議。期許本研究能提供企業提升同志人權、工作保障等政策制定與推廣的參考,以有效管理多元化的人力資源。
Workforce diversity is the most significant characteristic of 21st Century. There are many differences such as race, gender or sexual orientation, but there are very few discussions on sexual orientation. Our paper wants to find the factors that affect homosexual workers’ job performance. Hence, we propose a model based on social cognitive theory to explain the homosexual workers’ outness. In the proposed model, job performance is affected by perceived stress and career satisfaction. Homosexual workers are our sample in our paper. We collected 319 valid questionnaires. The results will help homosexual workers increase their outness. It also provides business advice on how to create workforce diversity and establish gay rights policy. We hope that our paper can help enterprises to improve gay rights, job security and other policy-making. It will manage diverse human resources effectively.