標題: 智慧財產權保護與經濟成長率之內生關係
The Endogenous Relationship between Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Economic Growth Rate
作者: 蔡芳紜
關鍵字: 智慧財產權;經濟成長;內生性;貌似不相關回歸;Intellectual property rights;Economic growth;Endogeneity;SUR
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究探討各國智慧財產權保護對於世界主要經濟體系經濟成長率的影響關係。資料為2000-2007年期間、46個國家的縱橫面資料,採用由世界經濟論壇(WEF)所發行之智慧財產權保護,並採取貌似不相關回歸(SUR)模型做同時性的計量經濟分析。實證結果發現,智慧財產權的保護程度與經濟成長率有顯著負相關。本研究延續Koléda (2004)與Furukawa (2007) 所提出之專利權保護與經濟成長之間的倒U型關係,以實證研究証實智財權保護與經濟成長率之間存在負向內生性關係。
This paper studies the impact of intellectual property right (IPR) on economic growth as an endogenous factor. Most of the economic growth theories emphasize on enhancing IPR protection in order to encourage innovation, which stimulates economic growth. However, there is a negative relationship between IPR protection and GDP growth rate. This paper uses seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) to estimate our econometric equation simultaneously. Empirical analysis with a panel of data for 46 countries during the period of 2000-2007, shows that stronger IPR decreases GDP growth rate. This paper extends the conclusion of inverse U-shaped relationship between IPR protection and economic growth that suggested by Koléda (2004) and Furukawa (2007), confirms the negative endogeneity of IPR protection and economic growth.


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