標題: 自我概念、社會支持對職業選擇意向之研究
A Study on the Influence of Self-concept and Social Support on Occupational Choice Intention
作者: 陳金足
Chen, Chin-Tsu
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 自我概念;社會支持;學業成就;職業選擇意向;中介效果;干擾效果;self-concept;social support;academic performance;occupational choice intention;mediating effect;moderating effect
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 當今企業紛紛提高對求職者的學歷與專業要求,而大學畢業的社會新鮮人,在面對求職門檻提高、競爭者日益增多的壓力之下,大學生就學期間的學習成果是否能符合企業界的需求,並非在畢業後才由職場競爭力來斷定,而是在學期間即須對自我專業能力的養成,有具體的瞭解與認識,並隨時充實專業知能;透過家人親友、師長與同儕間的互動,增進自我概念的提升,並具備應有的專業能力,以確立未來職業選擇之方向。本研究主要目的在探討大學生自我概念、社會支持、學業成就與職業選擇意向的影響關係,依據文獻與相關研究變數之關聯性,而建立本研究之架構,並以台灣地區大學生為研究對象進行問卷調查,回收之有效問卷為 1406份。資料回收完成經統計檢定,利用線性結構方程模式以及多群體分析進行研究,結果顯示:由自我概念各因素之現況與差異分析發現自我概念各因素的重要程度,以父母關係在學生心中的重要程度最高;在社會支持各因素之現況與差異分析顯示,社會支持各因素的重視程度,則以同儕在大學生心中的重要程度最高。此外,社會支持對學業成就具有正向之直接影響。自我概念對職業選擇意向具有正向之直接影響。自我概念與社會支持透過學業成就的中介效果,對於職業選擇意向研究結果皆不顯著。利用多群體分析得到:學業成就在自我概念與社會支持對職業選擇意圖的干擾效果上,無顯著差異。本研究依據研究分析結果,適時提供給高等教育機構,強化大學職涯教育的改善,並提供高等教育機構在調整體制、提升教學規劃、增進學生職場認知、以及培養大學生提升未來職業選擇與就業能力之參考。
As enterprises have raised the requirements on the educational background and professional degree of job seekers, new graduates are facing raised employment requirements and ever increasing competitors, while whether their academic performance can meet the requirements of enterprises is no longer determined by their workplace competitiveness after the graduation. Rather, they need to develop a concrete understanding of cultivating professional competence, actively enrich their professional competence during school, enhance their self-concept through interactions with families, friends, teachers, and peers, and acquire the required academic performance to establish their future career options. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation among college students’ self-concept, social support, academic performance, and occupational choice intention. The research framework was established based on literature review and the correlation among research variables. This study conducted a questionnaire survey on college students in Taiwan, and retrieved 1,406 effective samples. The data were analyzed with statistical analysis using Amos. Linear structural equation models and multi-group analysis were also used for analysis. Analysis on the factors of self-concepts and their differences found that, the importance level of relationship with parents was rated the highest by the students. Analysis on the factors of social supports and their differences showed that, relationship with peers has the highest rating. Moreover, social support has a positive and direct effect on academic performance. Self-concepts have positive and direct effects on occupational choice intention. Self-concept and social support have significant effects on occupational choice intention through the mediating effect of academic performance. The multi-group analysis showed that academic performance does not have a significant intervention effect on self-concepts or social support on occupational choice intention. The research findings can serve as references for higher education institutions to improve career education in colleges, and for adjustments of educational systems in order to improve educational planning, increase students’ workplace cognition, and cultivate their workplace competence for future career choices.


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