DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLai, Kuang-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorKuo, Liang-Wenen_US
dc.description.abstract意見領袖在創新的擴散中發揮什麼影響? 驅動他們傳播創新的原因是什麼? 他們如何影響他人? 組織推動創新時都面臨前述問題,思考如何運用意見領袖的影響力,提高創新的接受程度。本研究以工研院推行「NSDB價值創造」新觀念為研究個案,深入他們接受新觀念、告訴他人的原因與產生的影響。透過意見領袖、組織情境與環境中他人的互動經驗,探討新觀念被接受與擴散的因素,瞭解組織內有效的溝通方式及傳佈管道,以及透視組織中不能言說的潛規則,藉此重新檢視創新傳佈理論與意見領袖的研究,接補理論與過去研究遺缺之處。 研究發現意見領袖敏感地察覺組織推行創新的決心與氛圍,自動自發的認同新觀念,將新觀念與工作任務結合,做為完成工作目標與達成個人意圖的工具。因為意見領袖擁有較多的使用知識,能夠結合自身專業與職務權力,贏得其他人的信賴,伸展權力,發揮影響力。在組織中,意見領袖獲知訊息的管道不只一個,在工作夥伴告知之前,已經耳聞公司要推行NSDB,如同多級傳播模式,接受者從多個管道接受訊息;另一方面,意見領袖則運用會議討論、工作指導、提案審查及教育訓練等面對面方式與接受者互動與交流,影響接受者。意見領袖面對傳佈對象時,則根據接受者面臨的問題,彈性調整解釋內容,達成他們的溝通意圖。 本研究修正創新傳佈不只是傳播新事物的「訊息」,而是意義詮釋與協商的過程,意見領袖是意義的「協商者」,深入解釋意見領袖在人際網絡中穿針引線言的角色,描繪人與情境脈絡的互動影響。並具體提出意見領袖的採用動機是「完成工作任務」,意見領袖採用新觀念與新事物替他們工作,解決工作上的問題,意見領袖同樣從這個概念出發說服傳佈對象。此外,揭開創新創造權力,權力驅動意見領袖傳佈創新的研究視野,觸及過去意見領袖與創新傳佈研究沒有涉入的範疇,聯結權力與影響力的關係,指出「權力」是影響創新傳佈的要件之一。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhat are the influences as an opinion leader did in a diffusion process? What are the motivations triggered them for dedicated to broadcast the innovation? Further, how did they influence other people in the organization where the original working styles had been rooted deeply for a long time? The questions above were faced for organizations while the innovation is promoted within the company. How to increase adopting degree among the organization by the use of the influence of an opinion leader was a matter. This research bases on the practical experiences in ITRI’s (Industrial Technology Research Institute) promoting the new concept of “NSDB” as the case study, and is trying to find out the factors and effects those produced by the new concept which adopted and be broadcasted by the opinion leaders. Through the opinion leader, organization contextual as well as the interactive experience among the employees, the research are going to dig out accepting factors for new concept and diffusion in order to have a better understanding for an effective communicating way, broadcasting channel and unveiling those “cannot be mentioned” principles. Therefore, the researches relative to diffusion of innovation theory and opinion leader would be reviewed and tries to fulfill lacks of previous theories and researches. The finding is that opinion leaders perceived organization’s decision and atmosphere; therefore, they accepted and recognized the new concept automatically. Further, as a tool, the leader opinions tend to apply the new concept to their daily works to achieve their job task and personal intension. Owing to the reasons that opinion leaders have more knowledge and skill to combining their profession and position power, they could influence others and gather trusty from other people. Within organization, the opinion leaders usually have one-and-above information gathering channel, just like Multi-Step Flow communication, which enable them to know the NSDB policy before a formal informed. On the other hand, the opinion leaders interacted and communicated with the receivers via discussion meeting, work direction, project review and training to extend their influence span. And, while faced the broadcasting targets, the opinion leaders would modified their discourse varied from target’s problem to achieve their intension of communication. This practical case study modifies the diffusion of innovation is not only express message, but also be a process of interpretation and negotiation. The role of an opinion leader is more as a negotiator who broadcasted and stated the new concept via interpersonal network to extend their intension. This research also indicates that the motivation of the opinion leaders for adopting the new concept is “complete job task”, they recruited new concept to solve the working problems and achieved job task, used this idea to get receivers’ insight as well. Additionally, this research unveiled the viewpoint that hasn’t been mentioned in previous study: innovation creates power and power motivates opinion leader to diffuse innovation which builds up the connection between power and influence, therefore, “power” is one of the influential character of diffusion.en_US
dc.subjectopinion leaderen_US
dc.subjectdiffusion of innovationen_US
dc.subjectorganizational communicationen_US
dc.subjectmulti-step flow communicationen_US
dc.subjectmeaning negotiationen_US
dc.subjectknowledge poweren_US
dc.titleWhat are the Motivations Triggered Opinion Leaders to Diffuse Innovation? A Case Study of ITRI Promoting the New Concept of “NSDB”en_US


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