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dc.description.abstract微型投影機(Micro Projector,又稱Pico Projector),係由德州儀器(TI)於2006年所推出,體積僅手掌大小。近年來因消費者對於網路與多媒體內容的需求大量湧現,造成智慧型手機與平板電腦迅速普及,而微型投影具備無縫、分享、大畫面之特性,有極佳潛力成為未來網路化生活的主要顯示裝置。目前微型投影機受限於背光模組、電池壽命及售價尚未得到突破性的進展,不論是單機式或嵌入式產品均處於市場導入期,但已有多家模組廠商及消費性電子廠商投入生產,當微型投影機的技術發展純熟、價格降低,隨時隨地可分享圖片的樂趣與便利,將逐漸累積成龐大的需求。 本研究基於99年國科會計畫「微型投影之應用情境及相關配套技術之整合與原型製作」,與晶奇光電進行產學合作開發微型投影概念產品,除獲得與業界合作之經驗外,並藉機深入了解微型投影技術原理及市面相關產品之應用,引發對微型投影技術之興趣。因此本研究便希望能夠重新思索微型投影機所具備之特性,進而開發出具差異化之應用。 本研究預期成果為產出可運作之概念產品原型,在人力、時間與經費有限之下,研究範圍將限縮於尋找可行概念、深入訪談需求、概念實作與概念驗證四個部分。首先以文獻探討來了解相關技術與產品,再利用腦力激盪與情境想像的方式,尋找任何能夠發揮微型投影技術特性的應用情境和族群,經篩選後定案之概念為「以微型投影技術輔助視覺設計」,結合微型投影與雷射測距之技術,提供1:1影像供設計師檢驗設計物之功能,接著進一步驗證概念是否確實符合使用者之需求。 回顧整個研究過程,不難發現概念如要實現,關鍵是如何讓技術與設計這兩條平行線產生交集。也讓我們確信,只有良好的設計,加上技術團隊的支持,才有可能創造出能滿足使用者需求、同時也能讓企業獲利的創新產品。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMicro Projector, also called Pico Projector, is announced by Texas Instrument at 2006. It is a technology that makes projectors as small as our hands. Since huge demand of internet and multi-media content emerged from consumers recent years, the smartphone and tablet pc becomes very popular. Pico Projector can provide seamless, sharing and large-screen experience, which make it advantaged to contend being major display device in the future. Because of the technology of backlight and battery endurance is waiting for breakthrough, Pico Projector is at market introduction stage, nevertheless there are already several project module and consumer device manufacturers putting into production. Once the technology matures, and price goes down, the convenience and interest of sharing images anywhere by Pico projector will induce enormous demand. Our research is based on the 2010 National Science Council Project “The Application Scenario of Micro Projector and the Integration with Relevant Technology and Prototyping”, we have developed several concept products with Oculon Optoelectronics Inc. Through the object, we’ve learned the experience of collaborating with company, and triggering interest about Pico projector and relative products. Therefore in this research, we want to reconsider the property of Pico technology, and make much different conceptual applications. We expect to produce a working prototype, and because the limitation of manpower, time and budget, we will only focus on four parts: search for feasible concepts, manipulate in-depth interview, concept prototyping and concept evaluation. First we review relative literature to understand the basic thesis of Pico technology, and then develop applications that can make the best use of properties of Pico projector by using brainstorming and scenario imaging method. After weeding out impropriate concepts, we decide to make our main object to “assist visual design process by using Pico projector”. Through the combination of laser rangefinder technology, the concept provides 1:1 projection for designers to examine their works at real size. By interviewing the target user, we attained firsthand feedback that proved the existence of potential demand. By reviewing the entire research process, we can easily find out the key point to realize a concept is to team up technician with designer. We believe that a good concept can never be practical without support from technician. Only good collaboration of both sides would create good products that meet the user’s demand, and also make profit to the company.en_US
dc.subjectPico Projectoren_US
dc.subjectMicro Projectoren_US
dc.subjectReal Sizeen_US
dc.subjectLaser Rangefinderen_US
dc.titleFeasibility Research and Prototyping of Applied Pico Projector Technology for Conceptual Producten_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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