標題: 書報攤
Zine Stall
作者: 陳盈蓁
Chen, Ying-Chen
Chen, I-Ping
關鍵字: 雜誌;書報攤;繪本;日記;Zine;Stall;Children’s Book;Diary
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本論文為作者於2011年創作「書報攤」的創作自述。「書報攤」由繪本「哈巴狗的旅行」,及三本小雜誌(zine)「消費者日記」、「你眼中的我」、「下雨天」組成,分別代表作者之童年、日常生活、透過他人看到的自我及作者眼中的他人。 以貼滿牆壁的圖稿、便利貼,和置放於報攤架上的布偶、俄羅斯娃娃, 營造仿若作者房間的空間;並以黑板招牌、布旗和木製攤位構成的書報攤,作者將最真實的自我呈現其中,也如同「哈巴狗的旅行」中的哈巴狗開店一般,此書報攤如同繪本的結局,呈現作者的攤子,賣的是接納自己的勇氣。
The work Zine Stall is composed of four zines, including children’s book < The Journey of Little Pug>, <Consumer Diary>, <Me in Your Eyes> and <Rainy Days>, which symbolising different courses in the author’s life. < The Journey of Little Pug> is about self consciousness. <Consumer Diary> presents the trivial things in the author’s daily life. <Me in Your Eyes> shows how the author perceive herself from others’ eyes, whereas <Rainy Days> is about how the author sees others. With sketches, post-its, nesting dolls and pillow dolls, the installation imitates the atmosphere of the author ‘s room to unveil her real self. To build a zine stall, blackboard, flags, and wooden stall are adopted. The stall is the projection as the author recognize the Pug as herself in < The Journey of Little Pug>. As the Pug opens its puff shop in the end of the story, the author opens the stall to sell the courage of facing one’s real self.


  1. 252501.pdf
  2. 252502.pdf

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