標題: 建立基因體計畫的計算流程:序列重組、基因註解與重建代謝路徑
Establishing a Computational Pipeline of Genome Projects: Sequence Assembly, Gene Annotation and Metabolic Pathway Reconstruction
作者: 黃至昶
Huang, Chih-Chang
Huang, Hsien-Da
關鍵字: 序列重組;基因註解;重建代謝路徑;Sequence assembly;Gene annotation;Metabolic pathway reconstruction
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 西元2003年人類計畫完成,為爾後的生物研究帶來龐大的資源。近幾年next-generation sequencing技術的發展大量的降低定序成本及時間使得物種的定序更佳的容易,因此各物種的基因體定序也開始蓬勃發展,而且在這些基因體中也蘊藏了大量的研究資源,這些基因體計畫的分析及註解也將是更加急迫的需要,因而需要一個有系統的計算流程。這個流程針對不同的定序技術產生的序列會使用不同的序列重組工具,整合ab initio及 evidence-based這兩種基因預測的方式來更準確的預測基因,此外還會根據基因註解的資訊來重建物種的代謝路徑。 這個基因體計畫計算流程可以重組各類不同定序技術產生的序列以及提供基因體註解的服務有:基因註解以及重建代謝路徑。這個流程將會在高產量的基因體註解中佔有一席之地。
Human Genome Project had been completed in 2003. It provides gigantic resources for biological research. In recent years, next generation sequencing technique dramatically reduces the sequencing cost and time. Thus, completely sequencing new organisms will be popular and universal, and the genomes of these organisms also include huge research resources. The demands of comprehensive genomic annotation will be more urgent and necessary. Thus, it is necessary a computational pipeline. In order to assembly complete genome sequences, this pipeline uses several assembly tools which designed for assembling traditional sequencing and next generate sequencing raw data. It also integrates ab initio and evidence-based gene prediction approaches to predict genes. In addition, this pipeline can reconstruct metabolic pathways from the gene annotation results. This computational pipeline can assemble sequencing data from various platforms and provide the service of genomic annotation including: gene annotation and metabolic pathway reconstruction. This computational pipeline can be a crucial part of pipeline in the high throughput genomic annotation.


  1. 151401.pdf

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