標題: 在NCTUns網路模擬器上支援合作式網路之機制並測量其效能
Supporting and Evaluating the Performances of Cooperative Networking Schemes on the NCTUns Network Simulator
作者: 辜博熙
Koo, Po-Hsi
Wang, Shie-Yuan
關鍵字: IEEE 802.11a;合作式網路;媒介存取控制(medium access control);協定效能分析;網路模擬;NCTUns;IEEE 802.11a;cooperative networking;medium access control;protocol analysis;network simulation;NCTUns
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 合作式網路 (cooperative networking / communication) 機制主要應用於無線網路 (例如IEEE 802.11a/b/g網路) 。因為無線訊號傳輸時,傳輸有效範圍內的網路設備均可聽見這些傳輸的訊息,因此可以利用這項特性,以合作的方式幫助訊號較弱或距離較遠的網路設備傳輸其資訊。有些合作式網路的設計甚至會利用IEEE 802.11網路支援多種傳輸速率的特性,主動尋找鄰近的網路設備,要求幫助傳輸資訊,以達到更快的傳輸速度。本篇論文比較兩種合作式網路機制的設計方式及他們的效能,研究方式為網路模擬,並使用NCTUns網路模擬器比較這兩個機制的效能及帶來的優缺點。
Exploiting the broadcast nature of wireless networks, the cooperative networking / communication scheme becomes a new paradigm in wireless communication. Some of these designs exploit multi data rate feature in 802.11a/b/g standard to achieve better performance. In this thesis, we compare two cooperative networking designs and their performances. One of them exploits multi data rate feature, while the other does not. We concentrate on simulation research method and use NCTUns network simulator to evaluate the performances of these two designs. Advantages and disadvantages of these designs are also discussed.


  1. 552801.pdf

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