標題: 基於固態硬碟的韌體演算法與硬體架構快速標準制訂工具
A Rapid Algorithm/Architecture Prototyping Tool for Solid-State Drive
作者: 郭晉廷
Kuo, Chin-Ting
Chang, Li-Ping
關鍵字: 固態硬碟;效能模擬;雛型工具;Solid-state disks;performance simulation;prototyping tools
公開日期: 2009
摘要:   固態硬碟所採用的快閃記憶體具有獨特的物理特性,不論在韌(軟)體或硬體都需要採用特殊的設計策略。目前不論就硬體架構與資料管理演算法方面,都已經有許多良好的設計方案可供選擇。然而,固態硬碟的整體效能表現,取決於軟體,硬體,以及工作環境三大要素的交互影響。如何在已知的產品定位下尋找最佳的軟硬體組合,以達到最佳的效能成本比,則需要反覆的調整與測試,且為一曠日費時的工作。為了克服此一設計上的課題,本研究計畫開發了一個固態硬碟的快速雛型工具,該工具提供非常豐富的軟硬體設計選擇,並以相當簡易一致化的程式介面呈現。該工具可幫助系統工程師快速地測試不同的軟硬體組合的效能,而可大幅減少系統工程師在調校與測試方面的時間。
  Designing high performance solid-state disks is a very challenging task because of the diversity of host applications, complexity of SSD hardware architectures, and firmware algorithms. SSD performance is mainly subject to not only hardware designs but also software algorithms. One practical problem that industry faces is how to combine hardware/software design options for the best performance under a specific niche market. This study introduces a fast hardware-software prototyping tool for SSD design. It features a set of highly simplified programming interfaces and a rich collection of hw/sw design options. This tools aims at reducing the cost of debugging and help to find out the best design without lengthy trial-and-error cycles.


  1. 554201.pdf

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