標題: 冗餘複播圖上之分散式網路編碼
Distributed Network Coding over Redundant Multicast Graphs
作者: 李欣勳
Hsin-Hsun Li
Yu T. Su
關鍵字: 網路編碼;分散式;冗餘複播圖;Network Coding;Distributed;Redundant Multicast Graphs
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 對於多重傳播來說,其傳輸速率上限往往被max-flow bound給限制住。為了改善傳統單一訊源多重傳播的傳輸速率,在每個網路節點增加一個網路編碼的新功能。藉由網路編碼的功能,這個傳輸速率的上限就可以達得到。更進一步地,使用線性網路編碼就足以讓單一訊源多重傳播速率能夠達到其上限速率,並且,網路碼往往可以在一個有限的場找到。
Multicast transmission over a network is upper bounded by the
network capacity (rate) called the \emph{max-flow bound}. In order
to improve the capacity of a conventional single source multicast,
a new function called network coding is introduced to network
nodes. It has been shown that, by means of network coding, the
capacity is always achievable. Moreover, linear network codes are
sufficient to attain the capacity for all single source multicast
transmissions and they cam always can be found over finite fields.

In an overlay network, virtual network topology over an existing
physical network is constructed to meet some special networking
requirements. For the purpose of implementing network coding, all
virtual network nodes must be capable of handling higher level
operations. Taking the advantages of network coding and overlay
networks, a two-redundant multicast graph is constructed so that
network codes over the resulting overlay network can be designed
without the knowledge of the network topology. Based on this
special multicast graph, we derive the maximum available encoding
vectors over an extension filed of GF(2) and propose an encoding
vector generation algorithm. The algorithm is simpler and the
resulting multicast network codec renders lower complexity. It is
believed that network codes over GF(2^m) for redundant multicast
graph can also enhance the end-to-end throughput.


  1. 351101.pdf

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