標題: 整合WSN、WiFi以及3G網路建構患者自控止痛系統
System Integration of WSN, WiFi and 3G Network for iPCA System
作者: 陶嘉瑋
Tao, Chia-Wei
Jan, Rong-Hong
關鍵字: 無線感測網路;WiFi網路;3G網路;術後疼痛管理;wireless sensor network;WiFi;WiFi;post-operative pain control
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本論文提出一個結合無線感測網路、WiFi網路與3G網路之患者自控止痛整合資訊系統,利用本系統我們可以提供麻醉科醫師一個更完善的術後疼痛管理。為了更有效率的收集有用的止痛資訊,我們在三種醫療裝置上配備無線感測模組,使其可透過無線感測網路傳送患者自控止痛器及相關生理資訊,並透過WiFi網路傳至後端整合系統。本系統亦實作了一個簡單的加密與重傳機制來增加在實際應用時的安全性與可靠性,並且設計了一個橋接無線感測網路與3G網路之無線網路閘道器,使本系統亦可提供於3G網路覆蓋範圍內的患者使用。為了驗證本系統於真實世界之可行性,我們實際在彰化基督教醫院架設本系統,用以協助醫護人員監控患者之健康狀況,並提供患者一個即時的醫護人員通報系統,使患者可將自身不適狀況透過本系統以簡訊方式通知醫護人員。結果顯示,我們的系統能夠真實的運作在現行的醫療體系中,提供醫護人員一個更完善的術後疼痛管理與更有效率的患者自控止痛器資訊整合。
This thesis proposed an information integration system, iPCA, which integrated the wireless sensor network (WSN), WiFi and 3G network to help anesthesiologists providing better post-operative pain control. To reduce labor work and to collect analgesic usage information and physiological data efficiently, we connected three kind of medical instruments with WSN end point through WSN and WiFi. We used the simple encryption and retransmission mechanism to make the data transmitted in the secure and reliable way. We also designed a WSN/3G wireless gateway to bridge the WSN network and 3G network. Thus, the patients can equip with our system as long as he is under the coverage of 3G network. To verify the feasible of our system, we did the field trial in the Changhua Christian hospital to help the medical staff monitor the patient’s health conditions, and provide the patient a real-time notifying system via the short message service to alert the medical staff about the abnormal status. The results showed the iPCA system can actually work well for the real patient, and the iPCA system also provided better post-operative pain control and an efficient way to collect the PCA usage information for medical staff.


  1. 651501.pdf

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