标题: 以频宽整合缩短行动装置之档案传输时间
Reduce File Transfer Latency by Bandwidth Aggregation for Mobile Devices
作者: 杨邵轩
Yang, Shau-Shiuan
Yi, Chih-Wei
关键字: 异质性网路;MFTP;AMFTP;NCFTP;网路编码;WiFi;3G;Heterogeneous Networks;MFTP;AMFTP;NCFTP;Network Coding;WiFi;3G
公开日期: 2009
摘要: 目前行动装置配备有多种无线介面,可供人们连线上网际网路。但人们为了省电的目的,通常只有其中一个无线介面被启用。因此在过去的文献中,对于同时启用多种无线网路介面进行传输的想法并未被深刻的探讨过。然而在许多的应用中如车载网路,能量的消耗已不再成为绝对主要的考虑,使用多重介面传输来增加传送速度则成为一种选择。
在这篇论文中我们着手研究同时启用多个无线介面来改善传输效率。传统的档案传输协定中虽然有多重连线的设计但没有处理同时启用多种无线传输介面的做法,所以我们首先提出了Multipath File Transfer Protocol 来减少档案传输时间。然而在考虑网路状况变动的情形下,我们提出了Adaptive Multipath File Transfer Protocol。为了更有效率使用无线介面频宽,我们进而提出了结合UDP传送及网路编码的档案传输协定NC-Based Multipath File Transfer Protocol,此档案传输协定更可以进一步的减少档案传输时间。实验环境设定在netbook透过WiFi和3G网路下载远端伺服器的档案。
In the past, although mobile devices were equipped with multiple radio interfaces, for the sake of power saving, only one was activated for data transmission. The idea of concurrent transmission via multiple radio interfaces has not been seriously studied. However, power consumption no longer is a problem in many application scenarios, e.g. VANETs. In this work, we investigate the performance improvement of concurrent file transfer over two heterogeneous radio networks, e.g. WiFi and 3G. The traditional File Transfer Protocol is modified to utilize two heterogeneous radio connections. We propose Multipath File Transfer Protocol to reduce the file transfer latency. Then, considering the network variation, we propose Adaptive Multipath File Transfer Protocol. Final, we propose NC-Based Multipath File Transfer Protocol to further raise the performance. The experiments are executed over the Internet and a 3G data network to measure the latency and average bandwidth. Our results show that it is possible to integrate the bandwidth of both radio networks. The file transfer latency of our proposed protocols is 60% of file transfer latency of FTP via single interface.


  1. 654001.pdf

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