標題: 以慣性感測元件輔助之個人導航系統
IMU-Aided Personal Navigation Systems
作者: 周家偉
Chou, Jia-Wei
Tseng, Yu-Chee
Yi, Chih-Wei
關鍵字: 個人導航系統;全球定位系統;慣性感測元件;卡爾曼濾波器;室內/室外定位;適地性服務;Personal navigation system;global positioning system;inertial measurement unit;Kalman filter;indoor/outdoor location;location based services
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 當人們在一個陌生的區域或者是城市旅行時,他們可能會錯過一些當地知名的旅遊景點,雖然在網路上或是旅遊書上關於這類的旅遊資訊非常多,但它們提供的是一種被動的資訊而且這些資訊是非即時的。在本篇論文中,我們實做了一個個人導航系統,我們簡稱它為PNS,這系統提供了兩種可以用來幫助人們旅行的適地性服務。為了提供這些適地性服務,我們會需要使用者的位置。我們提出了一個方法,利用卡爾曼濾波器來整合慣性感測器 (IMU) 與全球定位系統(GPS) 來計算使用者的位置,並且加入了一些經驗法則來調整這個位置使它可 以更加合理化。這個方法讓我們的系統即使在缺乏衛星訊號的情況下也可以連續的提供高精確度的位置資訊。而這些位置資訊在適地性服務中將扮演一個重要的角色。
As people travel in an unfamiliar city or area, they maybe miss an opportunity to visit a famous scenic spot. There are many traveling information on the websites and books, but those information are passive and not immediate. In this paper, we implement a Personal Navigation System (PNS). The PNS provides two kinds of location based services which can immediately produce the information to help people traveling. For location based services, the position information of the user is required. We propose a method to integrate the GPS and IMU by a Kalman filter to calculate the position of user, and make the position be reasonable by some heuristics. This method allows our system can continuously provide high precision position information even though it is short of GPS signal. This position information plays an important role for location-based services.
Appears in Collections:Thesis