Title: | 中國水墨沒骨畫法之合成—以蔬果為例 The synthesis of the Chinese Boneless Painting for fruits and vegetables |
Authors: | 林楷芸 Lin, Kai-Yun 施仁忠 Shih, Zen-Chung 多媒體工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 非擬真成像;中國水墨畫合成;風格化;Non-Photorealistic Rendering;Stroke-Based Rendering;Stylization |
Issue Date: | 2009 |
Abstract: | 中國水墨沒骨畫法相傳為南朝梁張僧繇所創,是用彩色直接繪出形象而不用墨色線條勾描的畫法。與工筆畫法描繪細節和強調真實感相較,沒骨畫法更能表現出自由流暢的筆觸與寫意的意境。沒骨畫法能運用到各式畫題,而本篇論文著重於蔬果題材的畫法。輸入一張水果或是蔬菜的照片,系統即可模擬出沒骨畫中最重要的兩個部分—筆觸及用色。用筆方面,透過抓取影像的輪廓資訊,模擬出運筆的軌跡,進而自動產生出毛筆用筆的效果。用色方面,利用輸入照片的顏色與傳統水墨用色的對應關係來決定最後筆觸呈現的色彩。如此,不需要學習繁複的水墨技巧即可輕鬆產生具有中國水墨沒骨畫法的繪畫效果。 Chinese Boneless Painting skill is said that it has been applied since Liang of the Southern dynasties (502-557) , quite early in Chinese history. Compared to the Chinese Fine-Brushwork Painting, the Chinese Boneless Painting puts more emphasis on free strokes and impression rather than reality and details. Chinese Boneless Painting skill was applied to a variety of subjects. In this thesis, we focus on synthesizing fruits and vegetables. Our proposed system consists of two major parts: stroke generation and colorization. Input a photo of fruits or vegetables. We analyze silhouettes of objects in the input image to generate streamlines. Then we apply the brush model to the streamlines for color strokes and contour strokes. After mapping colors from input image to traditional Chinese ink-painting colors, we can generate the Chinese Boneless Painting style easily without any painting skill. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/46040 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |