DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorCheng, Chiao-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Lu-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstract在許多學術專業領域,皆有眾多研究利用後設分析法來分析該領域研究趨勢及未來方向。然而,在英語教學領域,似乎較缺乏完整分析研究主題、參與研究者教育背景,以及所採用之研究方法趨勢的研究,而著重分析國內英語教學所碩士論文的研究方向之研究亦十分有限。 本文採後設分析法研究臺灣七所公立並設有中等教育相關科系或中等師資培育中心的英語教學所近五年來的碩士論文趨勢。本研究結果研究結果,提供研究生對於現今論文趨勢的了解;英語教學所制定課程負責人,也能根據論文走向,修改或推動有相關的專業課程。此外,依據碩士論文研究趨勢與方向分析結果所設計的後續問卷及訪談提供影響英語教學所學生選擇碩士論文題目、研究對象,以及研究方法可能的影響因素。本研究中的訪談亦同時探究研究生與其指導教授討論並決定論文溝通的過程。 結果顯示近五年最受歡迎的碩士論文題目分別為語言技巧、教學方法、電腦輔助教學,以及教學題材及課程。最普遍的研究情境為國高中英語教育、高等教育,以及國小英語教學。最常使用的研究方法則是混合型研究法以及純量化及質性研究。 另一方面,根據問卷結果,作者發現影響碩士論文選擇過程的最大因素分別為個人研究興趣、研究相關的可行性,以及教授的影響力。值得一提的是,雖然教授的影響力在總結上只是第三重要的因素,但是在選擇論文題目上,教授的意見的確擁有深遠的影響。 訪談結果更進一步的顯示現今教授大多將自己定位為學生的協同研究者,不強勢主導學生的研究方向。在這樣的情況下,當兩者出現意見不合的狀況,學生能自在地與指導教授溝通協調。 研究英語教學所碩士論文的趨勢是必須的。未來的研究可納入在台灣所有英教所產出的碩士論文,以提供完整英語教學所碩士論文的趨勢及方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT In different professional fields, studies have employed meta analysis method to investigate research trends in their given fields. . However, in the field of TESOL, there is a paucity of analyses of current directions in research topic choice, the educational levels of participants, and research methods; there have been even fewer studies systematically examining the research direction of master’s thesis projects produced in TESOL graduate programs in Taiwan. There are three major foci in the present study. By implementing a meta analysis method, the present study first analyzed the TESOL master’s theses’ common research topics, the education levels of research contexts, and research methods to present research trends in seven Taiwan TESOL programs between 2004 and 2008. The findings aim to provide graduate students with an overview of current research direction and to offer policy makers in TESOL programs suggestions for designing useful courses for students. Next, with a survey and follow-up interviews, the researcher intended to understand TESOL graduate students’ reasons for selecting their thesis topics, research participants, and methods. Finally, the negotiation process of discussing thesis topic selection between advisors and advisees was also discussed in the interview section. The results showed that among the theses produced between 2004 and 2008, the most popular topics chosen by TESOL graduate students were language skills, teaching methods, CALL, and materials or curriculum. The most common research contexts investigated were high schools, higher education, and elementary schools settings. The most prevalent research methods employed were mixed methods, quantitative methods, and qualitative methods. Mixed methods were mostly implemented, followed by quantitative and qualitative methods. In addition, according to the survey, the most influential factors influencing the design of thesis projects were personal interests, followed by feasibility of the research design, and then the role of advisors. In particular, the role of advisors, though ranking third among other factors, still had a profound effect on students’ decision making about thesis topics. To go a step further, when considering the negotiation process between advisors and advisees, the interview results suggested that nowadays advisors may position themselves as the colleague of their advisees, not a guide directing the research. In this case, graduate students are better able to communicate with their advisors when a conflict ever arises. Further investigation on TESOL master’s thesis projects is needed. Future research can be conducted to include all the TESOL theses produced in Taiwan, thoroughly revealing complete research trends or directions in TESOL master’s theses.en_US
dc.subjectTESOL programs in Taiwanen_US
dc.subjectCurrent thesis research directionen_US
dc.subjectselection of thesis topicsen_US
dc.subjectadvisement issuesen_US
dc.titleInvestigating TESOL master's thesis projects and thesis advisement in Taiwan: Current research direction, related factors, and advisement issuesen_US


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