標題: 金門觀光發展核心能力策略規劃之研究
The Study on The Strategic Planning for Core Competence of Kinmen Tourism Development
作者: 陳繼德
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 核心競爭力;金門觀光產業;專家訪談法;core competitive advantage;Expert Interview;Kinmen
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 金門地區擁有豐富的歷史人文資產與特殊生態,但過去由於戰爭頻 仍,金門縣之都市發展較為緩慢,如今欲以觀光產業為主軸,期能快速帶 動金門地區之繁榮。自從2001 年臺海兩岸開放小三通後,金門地區之過 境旅客數量持續上升,而在台灣與中國大陸之間的關係已逐漸明朗化的趨 勢下,本研究藉由與金門觀光產業相關之各業界的專家學者意見,如政府 官員、民意代表、交通業界、旅館餐飲業、特產業、旅行業與學者專家, 分析出目前金門觀光產業的核心與非核心競爭能力,並且由此調查結果發 展出給予金門政府及觀光業者之適當建議,以求未來金門地區能夠於觀光 業中更上一層樓。 本研究藉由專家意見分析之論點,探討金門地區觀光產業的核心競爭 能力與優勢之處,界定生產因素、需求條件因素、產業策略結構與同業競 爭、相關支援產業、政府影響、機會關係六大構面為主要架構,依據金門 觀光產業特性與現況設計多重的衡量構面指標之問卷調查,以相關產業界 之專家群為對象,並對調查結果加以分析與評判。 由研究結果可知,金門地區之觀光產業目前擁有不少核心競爭能力, 但仍然有部分弱勢指標,例如餐飲旅宿、夜間活動與旅遊業者能力等,極 需政府實施適當政策加以改善,以免在兩岸政策逐步鬆綁之時,難以應付 日漸眾多的觀光遊客,失去了大步發展金門的良機。而目前金門所擁有之 核心競爭能力,也應在政策與時事的轉變之下,繼續維持其原有的優勢, 包含了歷史資源、生態景觀、金酒事業、海運航運能力、行銷活動等,在 小三通、落地免簽、金廈旅遊圈、免稅島等相關建設與政策逐步實施後, 能夠持續地進步與保存,吸引大量的大陸遊客前往觀光,為金門打造一個 前景可期的未來。
Kinmen is rich in historical and cultural property with special ecologic environment. However, because of the frequent wars before, the development of Kinmen is more slowly than others. Today, we want to prosper Kinmen fast with tourism. Since the strategy of “Mini-three links" had been brought into practice, the number of tourists to Kinmen has been increasing. In the trend that the relationship between China and Taiwan is better and better, we recognized the core advantages and disadvantages of the tourism in Kinmen according to the opinions of the experts in related domains. We provide some advice for the government and tourism in Kinmen according to the research in order to help the tourism in Kinmen making big progress in the future. We analyze the core advantages of the tourism in Kinmen through the opinions of these experts, and define six components: production component, requirement component, strategic component, related domain component, government effective component and opportunity component. According to the situation and specialty of Kinmen tourism, we design the proper questionnaire and analyze the result carefully. According to the result, there are some disadvantages for Kinmen tourism. For example, lodging and restaurants, night activities, and ability of the tourism need improvement by the government strategies currently, in order to avoid being disable to receive the increasing tourists and missing the chance. Those remaining competitive advantages should also be kept in the transformation iii of strategies and situations, including historical property, ecologic environment, Kinmen sorghum liquor, transport ability, marketing activities. After the strategies are carried out, we hope Kinmen tourism will keep progressing, attempt more and more tourists from China, and create a beautiful future for Kinmen. Keywords: core competitive advantage, Expert Interview, Kinmen tourism


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