Title: 顯示器品牌廠商在中國大陸的競爭分析 -以H品牌公司為例
The Study of Competitive Advantage Analysis for Display Brand Corporation at China Market – The Case Study of H Brand Corporation
Authors: 李國忠
Lee, Kuo-Chung
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 品牌;五力分析;SWOT分析;Branding;Five Forces;SWOT
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 2008年金融風暴下的中國經濟持續的成長,繼美國之後創造了另一個經濟強權,中國超過 12 億人口隨著消費能力的增加,更成為另一個最大的消費市場,各品牌公司均提早至中國佈局,國內品牌亦利用此動能,像雨後春筍般的興起。 本研究將針對中國地區顯示器品牌的競爭優勢,並以選定Porter (1985) 五力分析模式來分析個案 H品牌的核心競爭優勢,並以 Ansoff (1965) SWOT 分析與競爭品牌的優劣分析。 設立研究架構及操作變數, 並使用問卷方式來分析 H 品牌於中國市場的核心競爭能力,了解 H 品牌於中國市場的經營模式與優缺點,再經Porter五力分析模式的探討,了解 H 品牌幾項構面的競爭力評估,以獲得客觀且具體的建議。 本研究亦針對 H 品牌與競爭品牌之 五力與 SWOT 分析,了解 H 品牌與競爭品牌的優劣勢,並得以了解 H 品牌未來的擴展方向。
After 2008 worldwide economic crisis, China can maintain the economic growth capacity and become the next biggest economic country after USA. The Great China has more than 1.2 Billion populations and most of Chinese has better buying power. China also becomes the biggest new consumer market in the world. Every branding company can’t give up this market and developing business at China in early stage. At the same time there are also lots of local brands are created and growth under the economic growth momentum. The research will focus on the competitive advantage for the monitor brand at China, and select H brand to be the study target to perform five forces analysis (Porter 1985) to understand the Monitor Brand Competitor advantage for different categories. The research will also use the Ansoff (1965) SWOT analysis to compare the advantage and disadvantage for H brand to his competitors. To analyze H brand performance at China market, set-up the framework and evaluation factors to make this study, and also go through the consultant interview and five forces analysis to judge the result of H brand competitive advantage. In order to analysis H brand vs. competitor’s advantage and disadvantage, the research goes through the SWOT analysis which provides the strength and weakness for H brand.
Appears in Collections:Thesis