Title: 工業氣體經營管理之研究
A Study on Management of Business for Industrial Gas
Authors: 何偉平
Ho, Wei-Ping
Chen, An Pin
Keywords: 槽車;儲存槽;空氣分離廠;Tank lorry;Tank;Air Separation Unit
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本研究以工業氣體產業為對象,研究空氣分離廠所生產的液態氧、液態氮、液態氬的配銷經營管理,從傳統被動式服務形態轉換成供應商主動服務模式的策略引導下,藉由與客戶保持密切的合作關係並適時地滿足其特定需求,為傳統產業建立具有競爭優勢的管理模式。 本研究探討工業氣體的經營管理,由於客戶需求量有大有小,客戶端的儲存槽容量也不盡相同,在滿足客戶需求的做法上,以供應商的立場而言,在安全範圍內補貨時液位愈低愈好;當站在顧客的立場來思考時,顧客希望補貨時液位維持在較高的水準,以避免斷料的事情發生,著眼點的矛盾,是一種互換(Trade-off)關係。 因此,探討工業氣體的經營管理,若單純於計量上以數學方式計算最佳解,並不能完全達到成功經營管理的目的,經營管理者必須更著眼於行銷、管理與策略面上。基於上述研究動機與範圍,為兼顧學術與實務,本論文希望探討建立滿足客戶需求並顧及配銷效率的經營管理服務模式,獲得雙贏(Win-win),取得更有利的競爭優勢。
The purpose of this thesis is to study management of business for industrial gas. The industrial gas presents in form of liquid type including gases of oxygen, nitrogen and argon. Traditionally supplier of liquid gas is waiting for customers to call for products prior to arranging delivery. With concept of customer value and customer focus been developed, it is highly recommended to convert from traditional ways of working to proactive service for customers. It is quite normal that customers’ demand is fluctuated, and various tank sizes also makes supply complicated. Most of cases show that industrial customers may request for higher level of inventory in order to avoid of shortage while suppliers prefer to keep inventory lower in order to achieve efficiency. It is kind of trade-off, which also means that mathematical calculation of optimization may not be enough to deal with complexity of supply. The thesis is studying service model of business management in industrial gas from various perspectives of mathematics, marketing, management and strategic viewpoint. The target is to achieve success in both managements of customers’ service and suppliers’ efficiency for win-win situation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis