標題: 量測系統分析流程之建構-以網通廠為案例
Constructing a Procedure of Measurement System Analysis - A Case Study of Networking Industry
作者: 范紋通
Fan, Wen-Tung
Tong, Lee-Ing
關鍵字: 品質系統;量測系統分析;位置誤差;變異誤差;Quality System;Measure system analysis;Position error;Variation error
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 品質系統中的量測分析主要是用來衡量量具是否精準,進而從量測數據中分析出量測人員、量測設備或是樣品本身的變異程度。量測系統分析手冊(Measurement System Analysis Handbook, MSA Handbook)中指明量測系統須同時評估位置誤差與變異誤差;位置誤差包含了偏倚、線性與穩定性,變異誤差包含了重複性與再現性。目前業界之量測系統大多僅是針對變異誤差而設計,缺乏探討位置誤差之分析流程。因此本研究主要目的是建立一套完整之量測系統的分析流程與判定準則,此系統可以評估位置誤差及變異誤差。本研究以網通業之實際案例來說明所提出之量測系統的有效性。
The measurement of the quality system is mainly used to measure the precision of the measuring tools and analyze the variation comes from the measurement of personnel, equipment or the sample itself. Measurement System Analysis Handbook (Measurement System Analysis, MSA Handbook) indicates that the measurement system must assess both of the position error and variation error; position error includes bias, linearity and stability;variation error includes the repeatability and reproducibility. Most of the measurement systems adopted in industry are focused on the variation error and neglect the position error. The main objective of this study is to establish a procedure of measurement system analysis which includes assessing the five characteristics of the position and variation errors of a measurement system. Finally, a real case is utilized to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed measurement system.