Title: 半導體二手製程設備之安全評估-以濕蝕刻清洗機台為例
Safety Assessment of Second-Hand Semiconductor Process Tools ─Case Study for Wet Bench
Authors: 高群賢
Kao, Chun-Hsien
Fu, Wu-Shung
Keywords: 濕蝕刻;清洗;二手;Wet;Bench;Second-hand
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 隨著製程技術之演進,投資晶圓廠建造所費不貲,以往蓋一座八吋晶圓廠需要新台幣三百億元,現在蓋一座十二吋晶圓廠則至少需要新台幣一千億元。而半導體產業的投資中,設備機台的購置為資本支出中最高者,約佔整體資本支出的60﹪~70﹪。由於購買二手設備可降低設廠成本及機台折舊攤提相對降低,可提升競爭優勢。但二手設備之堪用程度與安全性,則為買方較難掌控之因素。尤其以濕蝕刻清洗機台(Wet Bench)在過去製造之材質大多為聚丙烯(PP)或聚氯乙烯(PVC)為主。皆為易燃、高燃燒熱且燃燒會產生大煙量的材質,加上機台內有加熱裝置及可燃性化學品,故在過去國內發生火災的機率相當的高,損失亦相當嚴重,因此各廠均將濕式清洗台區域設定為火災防護重點對象。本論文研究以八吋晶圓廠濕蝕刻清洗設備某一型號為評估對象,探討運轉多年之舊型機台在本質安全與火災發生風險。透過機台內部槽體、電氣單元、化學品供應等等風險危害,搭配硬體之材質、安全防護與聯鎖裝置等方向做探討。
As manufacturing technology advances, investment in the construction of wafer FAB is large. In the past, to build an 8” FAB requires NTD 30 billion yuan, and now to build a 12” FAB requires at least NTD 100 billion yuan. Among the investment in the semiconductor industry, the expenditure for the purchase of machine equipment is the highest, accounting for about 60% to 70%. As purchasing second-hand equipment can reduce costs for factory Construction and depreciating machines, competitive advantage can be enhanced. However, it is difficult for the buyers to control the durability and safety of second-hand equipment, particularly the material of the wet bench in the past is mostly polypropylene (PP) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). They are all flammable, and when burnt, high heat and large amount of smoke will be produced. Moreover, there are heating devices and flammable chemicals inside the machine, so it’s very easy to catch fire in the past, and the loss is also very serious. Therefore the wet bench areas are regarded as the focus of fire protection by all factories. This study takes a model of wet bench equipment in the 8” FAB as the object for assessment, discussing risks in safety and fire of running many-year-old machines through the risks in the machines’ internal tank, electrical units, chemical supply, as well as the material hardware, safety protection and interlocking devices.
Appears in Collections:Thesis