Title: 消防人員常年訓練與工作滿意度之研究-以苗栗縣為例
Study on the annual fire training and job satisfaction.In case of“the Fire Inspectors at Miaoli County”
Authors: 鄭勝峰
Jeng, Sheng-Feng
Fu, Wu-Shung
Keywords: 消防人員;消防常年訓練;工作滿意度;firefighters;annual training;job satisfaction
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本論文之目的為了解現行消防人員常年訓練情形。針對苗栗縣政府消防局從事消防工作之外勤消防人員做研究,並從相關理論及文獻探討中整理出相關的概念,分別由消防人員人員特質、常年訓練規劃、現行常年訓練課程實施合適情形及現行常年訓練整體滿意度調查、預期成效之工作滿意度評估等項之關係,提出改進策略與建議。 本研究參考相關文獻及工作經驗設計問卷調查表,針對苗栗縣政府消防局目前實地從事消防工作人員進行問卷調查,蒐集並分析相關現況資料。 本研究主要發現及建議如下: 1. 整理及了解目前苗栗縣政府消防局消防常年訓練整體滿意度及執行情形。 2. 規劃符合消防人員需求之消防常年訓練計畫。 3. 提供消防行政機關在消防常年訓練實施方面的施政參考。 希望藉由本研究調查分析結果,歸納出問題癥結,建立可行改進方案,提供行政機關釐訂消防人員常年訓練年度計畫之參考,透過消防人員常年訓練繼續學習,提昇消防服務品質,提供民眾有效能的服務,確保人民生命財產安全。
The aim of this thesis is to realize the current annual fire training situations. The object of study is the firefighters working in Miaoli County Fire Department. By studying related theories and literature generalize concept of firemen annual fire train and job satisfaction. The concepts is to survey the satisfaction concluding characteristics of annual training plan, implement appropriate training courses, expected job satisfaction, and proposed some improvement strategies and recommendations. In this approach, we design a questionnaire according the references and working experiences. And asking the firefighters working in Miaoli County Fire Department fill out the questionnaires. And collecting and analyzing questionnaires to research current situation and information about annual training. Findings and suggestions as follows: 1. To collect and understand the current annual, Miaoli County Fire Department annual training and implementation satisfaction.. 2. Planning meet the demands of the fire firefighters annual training program. 3. To provide references in designing annual training for fire administrative organizations We wish that the conclusion of this thesis can find the problems. We provide some references when the government establishes policies of the fire annual training. Firefighters continue to learn through the annual training, upgrading the fire service quality and the energy services to ensure the safety of life and property.
Appears in Collections:Thesis