標題: 跨領域觀點之資訊機房規劃與建置-以半導體A公司個案為例
Interdisciplinary perspective planning and implementation of Enterprise Data Center-a case study of the semiconductor Company
作者: 余伍弘
Yu, Wu-Hung
Wu, Yung-Chao
關鍵字: 資訊機房;跨領域需求;工作介面;文件分析;訪談分析;data center;interdisciplinary;working with an interface;document analysis;interviews analysis
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 高科技產業,因整體建置預算龐大,採行分項發包模式。但分包越細,團隊溝通時,常因各自不同專業背景及自身專業經驗不足,發生認知上的落差。本研究以半導體A公司建廠專案為例,採個案研究法。先以文件分析法,比對TIA-942、GB-50174兩份規範與A公司建廠檔案;繼之邀請參與本案人員,包含公司內部同仁,及外部建築師、機電顧問、和承包廠商等,以訪談方式,分享其專業經驗與意見。 文件及訪談逐字稿皆進行畫記、編碼與摘要,除釐清專案工作介面與責任歸屬外,並歸納出跨領域專業之具體內涵,同時經三角檢證提高研究嚴謹性。研究結論為:1.資訊人員面對機房建置工程,確實需具備跨領域專業知識。A公司因採建築與機電設計分包,使資訊人員與廠務、建築師、機電顧問間,必須釐清工作介面,並密切整合專案資訊;2.機櫃需求為跨領域需求之核心,衍生出空間、電力、空調、消防、與風險控制等專業領域;3.研究者提出便利實用之機房建置工作備忘錄,包含具體之架構圖與檢核表,提供實務應用。參考本論文,資訊人員規劃建置資訊機房時,應可避免提出不可行或需中途變更設計或未來擴充困擾等問題。
Setting up high-tech factory will have a large overall cost. Adopting a sub-contracting method may help to save money. When utilizing several contractors, gaps in communication may occur. Different professional backgrounds and a lack of IT staff experience with these types of projects can be contributing factors. This case study uses Company A’s semiconductor plant project as an example. The first document analysis compares TIA-942, GB-50174 and A's set up factories specification files. We also have consulted with the internal colleagues, external architects, mechanical and electrical consultants, contractors, etc., that were involved in this case to share their professional experiences and opinions. Documents and interview transcripts have been highlighted, coded, abstracts have been created, organized, and summarized to help specify the important content for our work interface、responsibility and interdisciplinary needs of the project. This triangulation validated research will help us in our mission to improve our outcome. The study concludes: 1. In enterprise data center engineering, IT staff needs to consult with professionals outside their own professional domain. The IT staff not only needs to communicate interface with the architects and mechanical/electrical designers involved in the data center specifically, but also needs to communicate with the team members involved with planning the entire project because the data center is interconnected with other functions in the factory. 2. We will need to consider how many cabinets there will be. Then, we can know the requirements for space, power, air conditioning, fire protection, and risk control expertise. 3. Recording the process used to build this new data center, including checklists and charts, will help IT staff in building future projects. This research will be important in avoiding problems with future projects in regards to data center implementations.
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