標題: 鄰里公園兒童遊戲場安全評估-以臺北市松山區為例
Security Evaluation on Playground Facilities In Songshan District of Taipei
作者: 莊富傑
Chuang, Fu-Cheih
Chen, Chun-Sung
Hung, Shih-Lin
關鍵字: 鄰里公園;兒童遊戲場;安全評估;neighborhood;equipments in playground;safety evaluation
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 鄰里公園兒童遊戲場是學齡前兒童除了在住家空間玩耍外最常使用之遊戲場所,在家長心目中的印象是不安全的,如能檢視兒童遊戲場安全性再透過政府政策、法規規範、遊戲場檢測認證等多方面進行安全檢核並要求逐步改善使之安全完善,可減少兒童在鄰里公園兒童遊戲場使用遊具受傷的風險,兒童的安全將獲致更大的保障。本研究採用調查方法,目的在瞭解臺北市松山區35座鄰里公園兒童遊戲場現況並依調查建立鄰里公園兒童遊戲場基本資料,另參考兒童遊戲場相關法規與標準及其他相關安全檢核表,製作含有7大項目40項次的「臺北市松山區公園兒童遊戲場安全檢核表」,進行松山區35座鄰里公園全面性的安全檢核調查紀錄,並對調查紀錄資料做歸納分析。 本研究調查評估發現在松山區轄內鄰里公園遊戲場中組合遊具、蹺蹺板、攀爬架三大項目符合安全檢核表檢核項次,滑梯項目相對安全其不符合率低於20%。彈簧搖動設備(搖搖樂)在近半公園不符合安全檢核,不符合率超過50%。一般性及整體環境項目內兒童遊戲場各設備間及周邊未有足夠安全距離之安全檢核項次,不符合率高達94%最高需要檢討重視。 管理維護單位可委託有專業認證之兒童遊戲設備安全檢驗機構進行安全檢驗以確定兒童遊戲場安全性並取得改善規劃建議。同時另可建立兒童遊戲場設置前規劃、施工設置驗收、後續維護的安全檢核規範並由專業認證檢驗機構執行檢核,確保兒童遊戲場生命週期中安全無慮。後續建議修正符合本國兒童人體工學尺度表標準及適用國人及本土環境之國家標準。並適時配合新修標準修正相關規範或契約規定以符合實際,避免引用舊有不適用之標準。另本研究安全檢核表各項次為不安全風險因子後續研究可加入權重以確定風險程度。
In Taiwan, most parents think that neighborhood playgrounds are hazardous, even thought that they allow their preschoolers to use almost all the equipments available at neighborhood playgrounds. How to ensure the safety in using these equipments in playgrounds relies on several factors, such as creating complete safety checklists for equipments, constructing sufficient property government policy, and accomplishing playground security certificate. The aims of this study were to analyze the 35 neighborhood playgrounds in Songshan District of Taipei based on investigation approach and create a practicable safety checklist, which includes 40 examining items of 7sorts. The safety checklist, then, would be employed to make complete verification for these playgrounds, the data would be analyzed, and the results would be concluded. The analysis results revealed that three sorts of equipments, composite play structure, seesaws, and jungle gyms, in the 35 playgrounds were safe for all. More than 80 percent of the slide equipments could meet the corresponding safe requirements. However, less than 50 percent of the rocking equipments were unsafe. Notable, more than 94 percent of the playgrounds lacked appropriate safety distance among slides, swings, and climbing equipments. In regard to the above issues, the relevant administration of playground equipments could not only authorize some playground safety institutions with professional certification to certify the neighborhood playgrounds but also built a supervisory policy to make out the playground safety.