標題: 以運籌服務業價值鏈觀點規劃出口運籌平台
Designing an Export Logistics Service Management Platform with the Perspectives of Logistics Service Providers’ Value Chain
作者: 孫碧霞
Sun, Pi-Hsia
Chen, Mu-Chen
關鍵字: 運籌管理;電子化運籌服務;價值鏈;資訊分享;資訊透通;系統分析;Logistics management;e-logistics services;value chain;information sharing and information transparency;system analysis
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 現代經濟發展程度不斷的提高,新的生產模式不斷出現,伴隨著網際網路電子商務應用的盛行,資訊科技的發展對於供應鏈管理有著深遠的影響。Porter的「價值鏈」(Value Chain)強調整合及提供顧客價值的概念,包括企業內活動的整合至上下游的整合。以空運出口作業而言,相關的運籌服務業者由早期單一功能的服務,例如,運輸業、倉儲業、報關業、空運業等,逐漸發展成整合型的服務業者,由出貨端至收貨端,以戶對戶的全程服務,提供有效率、有競爭力的運籌服務,透過資訊及網路讓貨物運輸過程更透明,不論出貨人或收貨人皆可清楚明瞭貨物的運輸狀態。 本研究擬透過瞭解國內外運籌管理的相關研究課題與成果,並針對國內空運出口作業相關運籌服務業者間的價值鏈進行完整分析與探討,以系統分析與統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)為研究方法,分析以運籌服務業者價值鏈觀點規劃出口運籌平台。期望結合各資訊系統/平台建置發展現況,提出對運籌服務業之電子化運籌服務整合平台建置之有效建議。
While concurrent economy is growing and expanding, innovative production models are developed, accompany with overwhelming e-commerce applications, the information technology made great impact on the supply chain management. Mr. Porter's "value chain" emphasized on the integration and gave the concept of customers’ value which includes integration of enterprise activities within the upstream and downstream processes. However regarding Exports via air operations, those logistics service providers had been transformed from single function service providers at early stage, such as transportation, warehousing, customs broker, air transport, … etc., gradually to integrated ones, i.e. , from shipping point through receiving point, offering more efficient and competitive “door to door” logistics services. Applying information and network technology that made transportation process more transparent, either shipper or consignee/recipient should be able to thoroughly trace the cargos in any stages. In this study, through an understanding of related project research and outcome out of domestic and international logistics management, the value chain of air export operations among domestic logistics service providers has been analyzed and studied completely; By means of systems analysis and unified modeling language (Unified Modeling Language, UML), and based on Logistics Service providers’ viewpoint of value chain, the e-logistics platform of exportation has also been sketched. Its ultimate expectation is to incorporate concurrent information system/platform developments to raise an effective proposal in designing a collaborative e-logistics platform for logistic service providers.