Title: 海運定期航線營運績效之研究
A Study on the Performance of Shipping Liner Services
Authors: 陳佑任
Keywords: 定期航運;航運經營績效;資料包絡分析;網絡資料包絡分析;以差額變數為基礎的衡量法;liner service;liner service performance;DEA;Network-DEA;SBM-DEA
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 進入障礙大,卻又極容易被模仿的海上貨櫃運輸業,航線營運績效便決定了海上貨櫃運輸業者在此貌似寡佔,卻在業務操作面又是完全競爭市場之成敗。本研究採用國內某貨櫃航運公司,於2009年全年度營運之亞洲航線為研究對象。本論文研究目的即是使海上貨櫃運輸航商瞭解航線經營績效表現的內涵,並提供維持與改善航線經營績效之管理建議。本研究採取Tone and Tsutsui (2007)所提出SBM (Slack-Based Measures,以差額變數為基礎的衡量法)網絡資料包料分析(Network Data Envelopment Analysis)模式,衡量該航運公司2009年亞洲航線整體效率。 從本論文之研究結果,得到除航線B以及航線D在投入的艙位上已經達到最高效率,但仍有增加載貨量之改善空間,代表航線B及航線D需要在攬貨方面加強尋找貨重較輕之貨載,或需要擴大投入船型之規格,以達到規模經濟之效益。其他的13個航線,皆有降低載重噸供給,卻同時需要增加攬貨之需求,代表該航運公司以投入過多載重噸於亞洲航線,需要透過業務手法降低平均貨重,並積極攬收去回程貨以增加實際裝載量。
With large entrance barriers, but is also imitated easily, these are liner shipping industry’s characteristics. In this oligopoly in surface but perfectly competitive market in business operation, performance of each line decides whether the company makes money or not. This research is to adopt the data of 2009 Asia line service from one of Taiwan’s marine carriers as the object of study. The aim of this study is to allow marine carriers understand the connotation of liner operation performance, and provide operational suggestions to maintain and improve each liner’s operational performance. This study applies Tone and Tsutsui’s (2007) SBM (Slack-Based Measures) Network DEA model to measure the whole performance of that marine carrier’s Asia lines. From the results of this study, Services B and D have the highest efficiency on Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) input, but still need to increase actual loading volume, which means Services B and D need to dig out lighter cargos instead of heavy cargos, or need to launch larger vessels to reach the economies of scale. And the other 13 services simultaneously all need to decrease each TEU’s average weight and increase actual loading volume, which means this marine company input too much DWT in Asia trade, but this marine company imperatively needs to take more ways to decrease average TEU/Weight, and get more cargos on both bounds.
Appears in Collections:Thesis