標題: 金融海嘯對台灣物流業IT投資影響之研究;以物流管理系統為例
The Effect of Financial Crisis on IT investments, Especially for Logistics Management System, of Taiwan Logistics Industry
作者: 李瑋珊
Lee, Wei-San
Chung, Hui-Min
關鍵字: 無線射頻辨識系統;時間選擇權;RFID;Timing Options
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 摘要       本研究乃於「後金融海嘯時期」針對台灣大型物流業者做IT投資調查,欲了解國內業者是否因應大環境的改變以及營運型態的改變,意識到新型態的E化需求,並在經濟緩步回溫之際,乘著政府歷年來推廣的輔導案例,進入IT投資的練功期,提高IT預算。 隨著企業整併以及品牌與製造切割的風潮盛行,企業開始將非核心業務如物流等作業委外,這將提升物流業者於「貨況追蹤的即時性」與「貨品於供應鏈的資訊透明度」需求,本研究希望藉由「國內大型物流業者導入重要E化系統的現況與計畫」的深入調查,了解國內物流業者受過金融海嘯洗禮後,是否意識到全球產業鏈營運型態的改變,預先強化「全球運籌管理協同平台」與「RFID系統」,提升在兩岸與全球物流的競爭力。 經研究發現: 一、大型物流業於「後金融海嘯時期」整體IT投資預算的確提高,符合預期,但主因為出現高預算族群,並非整體預算規劃皆提升,且該族群特性為以往對IT投資相較積極且基礎建設也相較完整的企業,此些企業並以經營運輸(陸運)、倉儲管理、流通加工為重點。 二、大型物流業於「後金融海嘯時期」在「運籌管理協同平台」的投資金額,整體並未呈現明顯提升,與預期不符,但營運項目涉及聯營可能性者,對於2010~2011年後投資此系統的意願,明顯提升,與預期相符,僅是投資時間點較預期落後,並且集中於營運型態有改變者。 三、大型物流業於「後金融海嘯時期」開始計畫於2010~2011年導入RFID者達35%,明顯較它系統成長幅度大,可見在政府積極推廣以及技術逐步成熟的情況下,能改善營運績效的系統,仍能在「後金融海嘯」之經濟緩慢復甦期,具投資吸引力,國內物流業者最常整合的經營項目如:運輸(陸運)+倉儲管理+流通加工,分別有42.86%(陸運)、36.84%(倉儲管理)、36.36%(流通加工),對此系統多有期待。 本研究發現將供給政府單位以及國內資訊業者參考,並以本研究研擬RFID導入模型,供給國內物流業者參考。 關鍵字:無線射頻辨識、時間選擇權
ABSTRACT This research investigates IT investment trend of Taiwan big-scale logistics enterprises after the 2008 financial crisis and aims to examine whether enterprises follow the theory of ”Timing Options” to change their investments after the strong recession. The main research hypotheses include that most of Taiwan big-scale logistics enterprises obviously increase their budget for IT investments after the recession, and they especially focus on improving both of the systems of “Global Logistics Management Collaborative Platform” and “RFID” due to the changes for the occurrences of new business models, like join operations and increasing logistics outsourcing cases which stimulated by the trend of separation between brand and manufacturing after financial crisis and by the encouragement from Taiwan government. The main results are as follows: 1. The total budget of IT investment from Taiwan big-scale logistics enterprises in the later period of this financial crisis in H2 of 2009 was bigger than the budget in 2008.The major factor is that there are specific companies which increase their budget for IT investments substantially. The companies feature with complete IT constructions and mainly operate land transportation、warehouse management and process manufacturing. 2. Most of Taiwan big-scale logistics enterprises didn’t obviously increase their IT investment for “Global Logistics Management Collaborative Platform” in the later period of this financial crisis in H2 of 2009, but some companies which are involved join operations really put more focuses on the system and more than 30% of them plan to embedded the system in to their platform before 2011 with high budget. 3. About 35% of Taiwan big-scale logistics enterprises plan to buy “RFID “related products before 2011. It means that IT system like “RFID” which can improve operating performance would really catch enterprises’ eyes in the special timing (in the later period of financial crisis). Companies which handle integrated operating items, especially for land transportation (42.86%), warehouse management (36.84%) and process manufacturing (36.36%) would be more interested in “RFID “system. The results reward for government, information system suppliers, and Taiwan logistics players. Keyword:RFID、Timing Options