標題: 電子白板的資訊量與互動量對學習成效之影響-以國一生物為例
The Influence of Elements of Information and Interactive Quantity for Interactive Whiteboard on Learning Achievements–Taking Junior High School “Biology” Classes as an Example
作者: 黃建福
Huang, Chien-Fu
Chen, Deng-Jyi
關鍵字: 資訊量;學習成效;電子白板;Elements of Information;Learning Archivement;Interactive Whiteboard
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 近年來電子白板(interactive whiteboard, IWB)被廣泛的應用,因其具有強大的教育功效如提升學習成效、學習動機、教學效率、教室氣氛等,其中最重要的是增加互動性,使得學生的注意力與參與度也隨之增加,但電子白板只是科技教學輔具,如何有效的使用需要更進一步的研究,然而目前較少在電子白板上呈現的教材的相關研究,故本研究欲探討符合IWB互動性多媒體教材之設計原則,並探討IWB融入國中自然領域教學對學生自然領域學習成就及認知負荷之影響。 本研究綜合Moore、Hillman及王磊等學者的互動模式而延伸出以教師、學生及電子白板三者為為互動主體的三方互動理論模型,三者間的互動都會對學習成效有所影響,故本研究欲探討三者間的互動量對學習成效之影響並歸納出各互動模式較佳之互動量。 本研究採用準實驗設計方法,實驗對象為桃園某所國中一年級五個班級學生共151 人,進行三階段實驗,首先,以國一生物「化石」主題單元,探討電子白板上不同資訊量的多媒體教材,對學生在該單元之學習成效與認知負荷的影響。其次,以國一生物「演化學說」主題單元,探討電子白板教師與電子白板的互動量對學生在該單元之學習成效的影響。最後則以國一生物「演化歷史」為主題單元來探討學生與電子白板的互動量對學生在該單元之學習成效的影響。 收集數據統計分析的結果發現電子白板上不同資訊量的多媒體教材在學習成效上有顯著差異,以資訊量7的學習成效較佳;而電子白板上不同教師與電子白板互動量的多媒體教材在學習成效上有顯著差異,以互動量5的學習成效較佳;電子白板上不同學生與電子白板互動量的多媒體教材在學習成效上有顯著差異,以互動量3的學習成效較佳。 本研究的成果,可提供生物教師使用電子白板進行「化石」、「演化學說」與「演化歷史」等主題單元教學時的教材設計與教學方式參考。
Recently, interactive whiteboard has been widely applied in that it possesses powerful educational effectiveness such as promoting learning effectiveness, learning motives, teaching efficiency, classroom atmosphere, etc. Most importantly, it increases learning interaction and the attention and participation of students. However, interactive whiteboard is only the technological teaching aid, and it should be further studied to bring it into full play, but so far no relevant studies on teaching materials through interactive whiteboard have been found. Therefore, the purpose of this study was aimed to explore the design principles of IWB interactive multimedia teaching materials and the influence of students’ learning achievements in Nature Science and cognitive load with IWB integrated into teaching in Nature Science in junior high school. The study used quasi-experimented designs to do the following experiments. The subjects are 151 students of 7th grade from five classes of some junior high school in Taoyuan. (1) The study took “Fossil” in Biology of 7th grade as the main subject unit and explored multimedia teaching materials of different information suites on IWB on the influence of students’ learning achievements and cognitive load on that unit. (2) The study took “Evolution Theory” in Biology of 7th grade as the main subject unit and explored the teachers who use IWB and the interactive quantity of IWB on the influence of students’ learning achievements on that unit. (3) The study took “Evolution History” in Biology of 7th grade as the main subject unit and explored the interactive quantity between students and IWB on the influence of students’ learning achievements on that unit. The results of the data analysis are as follows: (1) On IWB, multimedia teaching materials of different elements of information have significant differences in learning achievements, and elements of information 7 has better learning achievements. (2) On IWB, different teachers and multimedia teaching materials of IWB interactive quantity have significant differences in learning achievements, and interactive quantity 5 has better learning achievements. (3) On IWB, different students and multimedia teaching materials of IWB interactive quantity have significant differences in learning achievements, and interactive quantity 3 has better learning achievements. The results of this study are able to provide Biology teachers with the design of teaching materials and teaching methods for reference when they use IWB to teach main subject units such as “Fossil”, “Evolution Theory”, and “Evolution History”.


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