標題: 輔助國小學障生的電子白板圖示化數學教材之設計與評鑑
The Design and Evaluation of Interactive Whiteboard Graphical Mathematics Teaching Materials for Elementary Students with Learning Disability
作者: 尹洁蕙
Wan, Kep Huey
Chen, Chao-Hsiu
關鍵字: 學習障礙;學障生;特殊教育;電子白板;電腦化圖示策略;Learning disability;students with learning disabilities;special education;interactive whiteboard;computerized schema strategy
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 根據統計顯示,國內學習障礙學生佔身心障礙學生的22.46%,居於各類身心障礙學生的第二位。由於科技能因應個別化和多元性的教學需求,善用資訊科技可以幫助特殊學生減輕學習困難。電子白板應用於教學上也有其各種優勢,但國內有關電子白板的研究主要針對普通班教學,較少應用於特殊教育方面。 在國內外許多資訊科技融入學習障礙生數學學習的研究中,均強調將學習內容視覺化、圖像化,以使這些學生能順利習得數學知識。由此可知,電子白板與圖示化呈現教學的方式,應有益於學障生的數學學習,但這方面的研究還有發展的空間。因此本研究發展電子白板呈現的圖示化數學教材,探究此類教材是否能幫助學障生提升數學學習表現和態度。 本研究共分為兩部分:一是發展「輔助國小學障生學習數學之電子白板圖示化數學教材」,二是對所發展的教材進行設計評鑑、專家評鑑及特教教師進行實地試教,以評鑑教材是否能輔助國小學障生的數學學習。本研究共發展兩個單元教材,第一單元的教材的評鑑結果將作為第二單元教材設計的參考,研究者並以觀察和訪談,瞭解教材對特教教師與學生教學與學習的影響。研究結果如下: (一) 教材以「分析、設計、發展、評鑑」模式來開發教材,可確保教材設計和發展的品質。 (二) 教材對於輔助特教教師教學和學習障礙生學習,均有達到以往研究與理論所指涉的效果,驗證了本教材開發與設計的價值。 (三) 本教材確實可發揮所採用資訊科技的持性,輔助學障生的數學學習。 (四) 學障生於撤除提示後無法完成作答,啟示本教材對於撤除學習輔助時機必須更加留心。
According to the official statistics, Taiwanese students with learning disabilities (LD) have accounted for 22.46 percent of all handicapped students, and learning disability has ranked second in all handicap categories. Technology can support various types of teaching and learning, and appropriate technology application can effectively assist students with special needs. Using interactive whiteboards for teaching has various benefits but most studies on interactive whiteboards focus on traditional education rather than on special education. Most studies on technology integration in mathematic learning of LD students emphasize that visualized learning content (i.e. the computerized schema strategy) is helpful to LD students to learn mathematical knowledge. Thus, employing interactive whiteboards to present visualized math teaching materials should be beneficial to LD students but little research addresses such endeavor. Therefore, this study intends to design graphical mathematics teaching materials presented on interactive whiteboards for elementary students with LD and to explore whether the teaching materials help LD students improve their mathematical learning performance and attitude. This study consists of two parts: (1) the design of mathematic teaching materials for the LD students, and (2) the evaluation of the teaching materials including design review, expert review and field trial. The researcher designed two-unit materials, and results of evaluating the first-unit materials would shed light on the second-unit design. Using methods of classroom observation and interviews, the researcher collect data to understand the impact of the teaching materials on teaching and learning of participants. Four major results are as follows. 1. These teaching materials were developed based on the ADDIE (analysis, design, development and evaluation) instructional design model to ensure the intended outcomes. 2. The teaching materials could effectively support teaching and learning in special-education classrooms and accomplish outcomes comparable to results of past studies. 3. The teaching materials highlighted characteristics of information technology and benefited the two LD students. 4. The two LD students failed to answer questions after the guidance on the materials being removed. It means the timing of removing scaffolding is critical.


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