標題: Scratch互動式故事敘說評量
Scratch-based Interactive Storytelling Assessment
作者: 郭秀蓮
Kuo, Hsiu-Lien
Tseng, Shian-Shyong
關鍵字: 故事敘說知識架構;Scratch;互動式故事;評量;storytelling knowledge structure;Scratch;interactive storytelling;assessment
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 自然科防災教育,為國小五年級自然科學的森林生態系主題很好的生活延伸教材,為了提昇學習興趣而導入學習型遊戲網站來輔助數位學習,但部分內容不耐玩或是強調反覆低階認知學習,缺乏科學探究的思維過程,不容易進一步了解防災知識背後真正的因果關係。此外,科學教育認知領域難以評量「科學探究之因果關係推論」,因此本研究以因果關係之科學探究評量為主軸,設計「互動式故事敘說鷹架學習」架構,引導輔助學生自主建構防災教育的科學知識,並藉由Scratch互動式故事敘說作品之程式積木方塊堆疊及對話流程分析,與劇本表格之角色、背景、情節對話安排的對應關係,評量學生的資料觀察表達能力、進而量化劇情因果關係推論的數量及科學探究的深度,以及學生對自然與生活科技領域的認識,作為質性分析的依據。研究過程使用結構性實驗研究法,以自編滿意度回饋問卷、自編土石流防災資訊網數位學習因果關係之科學邏輯推論測驗來進行多面向的學習成果分析。研究對象為245位國小五年級學生,以自然科學領域為範疇,「土石流」防災教育為知識內涵,分為127位實驗組,以麻省理工學院所發展之易學易用的Scratch程式語言軟體作為數位學習科學教育的操作平台,118位控制組以傳統網頁教材。研究結果顯示,互動式故事創作所操作的學習平台Scratch主控性高,引起高度學習動機,故事創作本身具有加強學生思考邏輯,可以有效促進學生科學觀察、探究及表達能力,並提升學生知識概念從具體至抽象的因果推理認知層次。
The disaster precautions education becomes one of the important extended learning resources of Nature Science course for fifth grade students in recent years. Several e-learning websites and educational games were developed to motivate the students with multimedia resources. However, traditional multimedia resources and games usually focused on the low level mouse clicking activities and thus students easily lose their interests with the content. In this thesis, a Scratch-based Interactive Storytelling Assessment is proposed for the training of cause-and-effect knowledge in the disaster precautions education. The assessment framework for the cause-and-effect of the students' storytelling creations is designed and implemented on the Scratch digital multimedia creation platform. However, students tend to lose focus while using the Scratch to create the digital multimedia. To solve the issue, the scaffolding of Scenario Table is proposed with time dimensions including the beginning, middle and final scene and story element dimensions including the background, script and the cause-and-effect logic. The scenario table supports students easily organize their multimedia interactive story animation and allow teacher assess the students’ cognitive for their creations. There are 245 fifth grade students including 127 students in experiment group and 118 students in control group have participated the experiment. The experimental results show that students are very interested in the storytelling creations, and that the students' knowledge and reasoning capabilities of the domain can be improved.
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