標題: 基植於國小數學分年細目之線上題庫研發
The development of an online item bank based on mathematics annual details in elementary school
作者: 蔡明峰
Tsai, Ming-Feng
Lee, Jong-Eao
關鍵字: 分年細目;線上題庫;錯誤類型;annual details;online item bank;type of fault
公開日期: 2009
摘要:   學生測驗的結果是老師設計適當教學活動的依據,而根據學生的錯誤類型則可推論其迷思概念何在。另一方面,學生只能透過反覆練習相關的問題來熟練某些數學能力,但這很容易會使學生厭惡數學。在這兩方面,我們試著研發一個可幫助國小老師及學生的線上工具。   本研究擬從國小數學分年細目的分析,來建立一套線上題庫,系統中每個題目的數字可隨機產生,並可自動分析學生的答案,如果學生做錯了,一些可能的迷思概念會自動地回饋給學生,以提供學生進行精熟練習,同時,系統可呈現學生可能的迷思概念之作答情形給老師,以協助老師進行更有效率的評估及引導學生。   目前已在系統中建置「生活中的大單位」以及「分數乘法」這兩個單元的題目,研究結果相當正向,學生成績確實改善了很多。他們同意系統的回饋,不但能改善自己的問題還能協助自我學習,他們希望系統中有更多單元的題目。老師透過系統的功能查看每個學生的學習資訊,可降低教學負荷並提高教學的品質。當然,為使其更加實用,此系統還有很多需要進一步測試以及改進的部份。
In one hand, according to the output of the tests given to students, teachers may design proper instructional activities for students, and, from the types of faults in the tests, teachers may realize the misconceptions students own. On the other hand, for mathematics, students need familiar to some techniques, which can only be achieved by repeated practices of the associated problems, and, unfortunately, this really turns them down. On these aspects, we try to develop a online tool to help both teachers and students of the elementary schools. In this paper, we analyze the mathematics annual details in elementary school to develop an online item bank. In our system, numbers in each item can be generated randomly, and the output in each item answered by a student can be analyzed automatically, and, if it is incorrect, some possible misconceptions may feedback to the student automatically, which allow the student redo the similar problems correctly. In the mean time, the system provides all the answers with possible misconceptions from the students to the teachers, which allow teachers evaluate and guide students more efficiently. Two units have been performed under the system, namely, “large units in our life” and “fraction multiplication”. The results seem quite positive. Students do indeed improve their grades a lot. They appreciate the possible misconceptions feedback to them, which, not only improve their study, but also backup their confidence in self-study. They ask more units can be covered in the system. With the help of the system, teachers do reduce the teaching-load, yet improve the teaching quality due to the detailed-output learning information of each individual student. Of course, to be more practical, there are lots to be tested and improved further for the system.


  1. 351601.pdf

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